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2023 Holiday Gift Guide for Scientists

Time spent watching television or playing computer games has measurable and long-term effects on children’s brain function, according to a review of 23 years of neuroimaging research, which while showing negative impacts also demonstrates some positive effects.

A novel surgical implant was able to kill 87% of the bacteria that cause staph infections in laboratory tests, while remaining strong and compatible with surrounding tissue like current implants.

As we reflect on our own personal milestones in the coming month, let’s take a look at just some of the professional accomplishments of scientists this year.

Nanoplastics interact with a particular protein that is naturally found in the brain, creating changes linked to Parkinson’s disease and some types of dementia.

Could the solution to the decades-long battle against malaria be as simple as soap?

Combining years of work from many different projects, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have created a biologic “patch” that is activated by a person’s natural motion.

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