3,231 people have taken this course

It has been said that every problem is mental and every solution is spiritual. Our problems, even minor ones, can ruin our whole day. And bigger challenges can leave us hopeless and paralyzed with fear. That's a lot of time to spend in dark places. We're searching for an oasis of light, peace and contentment. We yearn for soul support. True healing. So how do we connect to spiritual solutions when we are triggered - stressed, overwhelmed, feeling inadequate and not knowing what to do? The answer is simple and near. It's deep in our bones and pulsing in our hearts. It is our primal spiritual instinct. The answer is Prayer. It is the language of our soul. It unites us to our deepest power. Prayer changes things. It will change you. I'm talking about prayer like you've never experienced before - as rock-bottom love, a healing vibration, sublime relief.

Prayer is our oldest form of mind/body medicine, and most underutilized "technology". It has been called the ultimate wireless connection. Many of us don't think of leaving home without our smartphones, but what if prayer is a more relevant and potent technology for the times we live in - a technology that advances our experiences of joy, fulfillment and peace and extends this to others? Throughout the ages, wise individuals have employed prayer to fill their lives with greatness, as its benefits are endless - from physical and psychological improvements to influencing the destiny of our world affairs. Prayer can disintegrate despair, create a perspective of miracle-mindedness and enable you to see magnificent possibilities.

And yet you may ask:
  • What exactly is prayer?
  • How do I learn to pray?
  • Is it okay to pray for anything?
  • Who or what am I praying to?

Many of us have never learned to pray or have outgrown the prayers we learned as children. We think prayer is 'religious', even though prayer has existed for centuries before the first religion was formed. We now describe ourselves as "spiritual, but not religious". Our spiritual practices may have been channeled into meditation, yoga or time spent in nature. As wonderful as these practices are, they leave us without the key to relieving our problems. Many of us have never discovered the irresistible practice of authentic prayer. Prayer that inspires hope, reduces stress, and heals our suffering. By teaching you what prayer really is and how to use it, this delightful, juicy, and profound course provides you access to the spiritual solutions that are at the heart of every problem.

Exploring Your Connection to the Divine

Through this 21-day series, you will gain access to the tremendous benefits of powerful prayer support. You will no longer think of prayer in the same way. You will understand why the greatest people who have achieved the most in life value prayer more than gold. Think of this course as "21 days to a life of being unbelievably supported in everything you do." Each day, you'll receive simple elegant ways to explore your connection to the Divine. The prayer practices offered in this course are available to people of all faiths and belief systems, including atheists. Just as you might have a yoga or meditation teacher, Spiritual Practitioner Angela Montano will be your prayer guide - helping you awaken to your greatest gift for healing.

During this course, you will:
  • Be "held in love"
  • Know that you truly belong
  • Trust that all is well
  • Open to forgiveness
  • Enjoy a profound sense of security
  • Embrace abundance
  • Cultivate a miracle-mindset
  • Ignite your passion and purpose
  • Thrive with vitality, happiness and inner strength

In addition, you'll learn how to:
  • Pray in new and vital ways
  • Open your heart
  • Achieve forgiveness of self and others
  • Provide healing in relationship to global issues
  • Work with the three essential elements of authentic prayer
  • Address specific needs and concerns from a spiritual perspective.

By the end of the 21 sessions, you will have a rich "toolkit" of prayer practices that you can use to address any challenge you face with clarity, confidence, and love. Allow Angela Montano to guide you home to your genuine self by activating the power of prayer within your own soul.

This course is for you if you want to...
  • Heal your toxic relationship with religion, prayer or God
  • Create a deeper, stronger, richer connection to your divinity
  • Be supported in everything you do
  • Awaken to Infinite possibilities
  • Experience the ultimate self-care
  • Live with more purpose and meaning

What People Are Saying

"Angela Montano is a genius and a powerfully gifted spiritual counselor. I truly believe my life is magnificent largely because of the support, unconditional acceptance, and amazing, healing prayers I have received from Angela." ~ Mark

"This was the missing piece for me. I had dismissed prayer, but now I don't go a day without praying...and I'm amazed by the difference it makes." ~ John

"Angela's amazing ability to hold the truth for me, and help me see the perfection in life, is life changing. Especially when, at times, I never thought I would be able to make it through a difficult situation. With her I have been able to see how to live in the NOW moment, but most of all she has helped me to become fully myself and to love myself as the perfect expression of God that I am." ~ Patrick

"Amazing!! Beautiful and soul filling course. So happy I can do it online! Such a life changing class!" ~ Karin

"Angela is kind, sweet, compassionate, intuitive and very authentic. She hears with her heart. Angela won my love and trust immediately. She is a wonderful, beneficial presence to this world."~ Janet

"Angela's vast life experience, her intuitive astuteness and her compassion have guided and inspired me on my personal journey to experiencing a life of wholeness, creativity, expanded awareness, beauty, love and joy." ~ Mardi

"Angela's powerful class to help learn different styles of prayer has changed my life and opened me to a deeper dimension of prayer work. Angela Montano is an incredible Practitioner. I am blissfully transformed!" ~ Jennifer

"My ideas about prayer are utterly transformed. I am a more hopeful, peaceful, grateful and happy person." ~ Chris

"Incorporating Angela's prayer practices into my life has made me more confident in my prayer practice and has already made difference in my life. My heart has healed a lot. My faith and confidence has been strengthened. I am now stepping into my life more fully." ~ April

"I'm going to use prayer tools I learned from Angela for the rest of my life. Angela was an amazing guide on our spiritual journey." ~ Andy

"Angela has helped me to fall in Love with myself and with LIFE! She's given me a sense of heart calm, courage and acceptance." ~ Jean

"Angela gave prayer back to me. I cannot thank her enough. If you have a chance to study with her, do not miss it." ~ Nancy

"Angela has forever changed the way I pray." ~ Kathryn

About Angela Montano

Over the last 23 years, Angela Montano has been inciting a movement to "re-think prayer" as a new language of healing, love, acceptance and rejuvenation for the soul. In nearly 20,000 private sessions she has conducted as a prayer practitioner, Angela has utilized prayer to open hearts, change perspectives and heal relationships. Angela has experienced prayer's ability to pierce the sense of isolation of a new mother, to provide strength for a Nobel Peace Prize winner, to provide direction for a homeless prostitute, to help a businessman trust a compassionate voice within.

Angela began her career as a television reporter, host and producer on local news and PBS. She was a contributor to the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour and field producer on the Emmy Award- winning show, From The Redwoods. In the hundreds of news segments she delivered, Angela saw something deeper in the human spirit-a richer story than the ones she reported to her TV audiences. In her quest to understand the deeper human story, Angela became licensed as a spiritual practitioner thru Agape International Spiritual Center and the Centers for Spiritual Living in Los Angeles. Over the last two decades, Angela has discovered and practiced many different ways of praying to meet the needs of her clients. She has facilitated group and individual sessions with people of different faiths and belief systems from all over the world. A featured guest on Hay House radio, Angela is a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. Angela is also author of the forthcoming book, Rethink Prayer.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 3 weeks (total of 21 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 21 lessons