October 28, 2016

21 Holiday Foods and Drinks Dentists Won’t Touch

The holiday season, which unofficially starts with Halloween and ends on New Year’s Day, is the time when everyone likes to cut loose, put inhibitions aside, and eat and drink, well, whatever looks good. The reckless consumption of cakes, candies,...Read More
Candy Canes

The 14 Best, Most Over-the-Top Nachos Recipes Ever

Unlike many food origin stories that are shrouded in the mystery of who made what, when, where, and why, the history of nachos is quite clear:Nachos were first invented by a now legendary maître d’ named Ignacio Anaya —"Nacho" for short — at the...Read More

Impersonate Your Favorite Food Personalities With These 38 Scary Halloween Masks

Halloween is just around the corner and it's time to start thinking seriously about what or who you want to be. Are you a food lover, but don’t want to dress up as food? Are you obsessed with Food Network stars or Michelin-approved...Read More
Celebrity Chef Masks

What Real Chefs Pack Their Kids for Lunch

This time of year, parents everywhere are scouring the internet for ideas on how to make their kids’ school lunches just right. Gone are the days when a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple would do. No, we now live in a world where only...Read More

If You Think ‘Cage-Free’ Eggs Come from Free-Ranging Chickens, Think Again

The majority of the world’s egg-laying hens are kept in restrictive “battery cages,” confining them to spaces so small that they are unable to spread their wings or even stand up straight. The birds are so densely packed and underfed that their...Read More

Irish Master Chef Kevin Dundon Authors New ‘Raglan Road’ Cookbook

Raglan Road Restaurant and Pub is a bona fide slice of Ireland, inside the magical gates of Disney World, no less. Markedly, it is the first authentic Irish pub in America owned, designed, and managed entirely by Irish people.The website jokes: “So...Read More
Beef Curry Pie

Get a Cardio High and Then Chow Down at Cook Restaurant in Boston

Fitness and food always go hand in hand. A healthy lifestyle includes an active fitness regime and conscious food choices. On the fun side of things, a great workout followed by a great meal makes for an enjoyable one-two punch. We've done this...Read More
Bacon and corn flatbread

Here’s How to Turn Caramel Apples Into a Boozy Treat

Caramel apples have always played a hugely important role in our lives at this time of year. Those fresh, sweet, crunchy apples are at their best right now, and when coated in sweet caramel, scattered with our favorite toppings (which change...Read More
Caramel Apples

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