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Featured Jobs
HR Manager - Alphacrucis
Educators - Cert III, Diploma, ECT - St Marks Childcare Centre
Rough Edges Night Worker - St John's Community Services
Digital Learning Design and Innovation Lead - Whitley College
Landscaping & Grounds Gardener - Heathdale Christian College
Bus Drivers - Gold Coast Christian College
School Well-being Counsellor (Primary School)
Pastoral Care Engagement Officer (Regional role)
Psychologist - Connections Healthcare Centre
Office Manager - Barnabas Aid
church Minister - All Saints Anglican Network

"Working for a Christian organisation has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my career. Here, I feel like I'm part of something much bigger than just a job. The values we uphold, like integrity, compassion, and respect, aren’t just words on a mission statement—they’re lived out every day. It’s incredibly rewarding to be in a place where everyone genuinely cares about each other and the community we serve.

What I love most is the sense of family and support. We start our meetings with prayer and have regular opportunities for spiritual growth, which helps us stay grounded and connected. This environment has allowed me to grow not just professionally, but personally and spiritually as well. It's comforting to know that I can bring my whole self to work and be surrounded by people who share similar values and beliefs.

The focus here isn’t just on getting the job done but on doing it with a sense of purpose and mission. Knowing that my work contributes to a cause that helps others and reflects my faith gives me a deep sense of satisfaction. It’s not just about achieving business goals; it’s about making a positive impact in the world.

Being part of this organisation has been a blessing. I’ve found a place where I can thrive, both in my career and in my faith in the Lord Jesus. It’s more than just work—it’s a community, a family, and a calling."

Claire - Marketing Manager

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