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I have had two offers of Employment.
How do I choose? 

Deciding between multiple job offers can be a daunting task, but as a Christian, you have additional resources to guide your decision-making process: prayer and Christian counselling. 

These spiritual tools can provide clarity and wisdom beyond the standard considerations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you choose the best employer for your career and spiritual well-being. 

Prayer and Discernment 
Seeking God’s Guidance. Prayer is a powerful way to seek God’s guidance in your decision-making process. As you pray, ask for clarity, wisdom, and peace about the decision you are making. 

  • Daily Prayer: Spend time each day praying specifically about your job offers. Ask God to open doors that should be opened and close those that should be closed. 
  • Scriptural Meditation: Reflect on scriptures that speak about God’s guidance and provision, such as Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11, and Psalm 32:8. 

Listening to God’s Voice 
Take time to listen to what God might be saying to you. This can come through a sense of peace, a feeling of conviction, or insights during prayer and meditation. 

  • Quiet Time: Set aside quiet moments to listen to God’s voice. Journaling your thoughts and feelings can help you process what you sense God is communicating. 
  • Spiritual Discernment: Seek discernment to understand God’s will. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you and provide the wisdom to choose the right path. 

Christian Counselling 
Seeking Wise Counsel. Christian counselling can provide valuable insights from a biblical perspective. Consult with trusted Christian mentors, pastors, or counsellors who can offer spiritual and practical advice. 

  • Pastoral Guidance: Schedule a meeting with your pastor or church leader to discuss your job offers. They can pray with you and provide scriptural wisdom. 
  • Christian Mentors: Seek advice from mature Christians who have experience in the workplace. They can share their experiences and offer guidance rooted in faith. 

Biblical Principles 
Consider biblical principles as you evaluate your job options. Reflect on how each opportunity aligns with these principles: 

  • Integrity: Does the company operate with honesty and integrity? 
  • Service: Will the job allow you to serve others and reflect Christ’s love? 
  • Stewardship: Will this position allow you to use your gifts and talents wisely? 

Company Culture and Values 
Alignment with Christian Values, Ensure the company’s values align with your Christian beliefs. This alignment will help you feel at peace and enable you to thrive in your role. 

  • Company’s Mission: Does the company’s mission statement align with Christian values such as integrity, compassion, and stewardship? 
  • Work Environment: Is the work environment supportive of your faith? Are there opportunities to share your faith respectfully and live out Christian principles? 

Career Growth and Development 
Opportunities for Kingdom Impact. Evaluate the potential for making a positive impact for God’s kingdom through your work. 

  • Vocational Calling: Reflect on whether the job aligns with your sense of vocational calling. Does it allow you to use your gifts to serve others and glorify God? 
  • Community Impact: Consider the broader impact of the company’s work. Does the company contribute positively to the community and align with Christian values of justice and compassion? 

Compensation and Benefits 
Stewardship and Provision. Consider how the compensation and benefits will enable you to steward your resources wisely and provide for your needs. 

  • Financial Provision: Ensure the salary meets your financial needs, allowing you to tithe, save, and provide for your family. 
  • Benefits: Evaluate the benefits in light of your health, family, and future planning. Consider retirement plans, and other supports that contribute to your well-being. 

Work-Life Balance 
Sabbath and Rest. Consider how each job will impact your ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance and observe Sabbath rest. 


  • Work Hours: Ensure the job allows for sufficient time to rest and recharge. Reflect on how the job will impact your ability to attend church, spend time with family, and engage in community activities. 
  • Company Policies: Look for policies that support work-life balance, such as flexible hours and remote work options. 

Location and Commute 
Community and Church Involvement. Consider how the job’s location will affect your involvement in your local church and Christian community. 

  • Commute Time: A shorter commute can provide more time for family, church activities, and community service. 
  • Church Proximity: Ensure the job location allows you to remain active in your church or find a new church community that supports your faith journey. 

Company Reputation 
Ethical Standards. Research the company’s reputation for ethical practices and social responsibility. 

  • Employee Reviews: Look for feedback on the company’s integrity and treatment of employees. 
  • Industry Reputation: Consider the company’s standing in its industry and its commitment to ethical practices. 

Choosing the best employer involves balancing practical considerations with spiritual discernment. By seeking God’s guidance through prayer, consulting with Christian counsellors, and evaluating each opportunity through the lens of your faith, you can make a decision that aligns with your values and career goals. Remember, the best employer for you is one that not only advances your career but also supports your spiritual growth and allows you to live out your Christian faith in the workplace. 

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