
Register for free Black Hat Webcast, March 11 at 11am
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Securing Containers and Kubernetes-Orchestrated Environments
Tomorrow, Thursday, March 11, 2021
11:00AM - 12:00PM PDT  //  60 MINUTES, INCLUDING Q&A
  Sponsored By:

VMWare Carbon Black
Containers are a big revolution in the software industry. They bring production to the local environment without thinking about compatibilities: with a few commands anyone can have containers running on their machines. When using containers locally, they seem to be neither complex nor complicated to secure and developers have the power of packaging applications that will behave exactly as tested. Enterprises can then split them into scalable microservices.

However, this changes when the ecosystem grows dramatically and thousands of containers with a variety of roles and flavors are orchestrated to maintain availability. While these huge environments have great benefits, their complexity enlarges the attack surface exponentially. Just through a single misconfiguration of some of the infinite customization features they offer, chaos can arise. So, what can be done to protect these containerized realms?

This webcast will explain the implementation of advanced security features to secure the Docker daemon and its core components, container execution and Kubernetes-orchestrated environments.
Webcast Presenters
Sheila A. Berta
Sheila A. Berta is an offensive security specialist who started at 12 years-old by learning on her own. At the age of 15, she wrote her first book about Web Hacking, published in several countries. Over the years, Sheila has discovered vulnerabilities in popular web applications and software, as well as given courses at universities and private institutes in Argentina. She specializes in offensive techniques, reverse engineering, and exploit writing and is also a developer in ASM (MCU and MPU x86/x64), C/C++, Python and Golang. As an international speaker, she has spoken at important security conferences such as Black Hat Briefings, DEF CON, HITB, Ekoparty, IEEE ArgenCon and others. Sheila currently works as Head of Research at Dreamlab Technologies.
Sponsor Presenter: Haim Helman
Haim Helman is CTO in the VMware Security Business Unit. Prior to this role, he was CTO and co-founder of Octarine. Octarine created a continuous security platform for applications in Kubernetes. He has been leading enterprise infrastructure innovation for the last 20 years. Before Octarine, he co-founded XIV, an enterprise storage company which was acquired by IBM.

Following his time at IBM he was a member of the founding team at Robin Systems, where he first encountered the promise and challenges of cloud-native architecture. He holds a BSc in Math, Physics and Computer Science from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and an MSc in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University.

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