Want to improve mental health screening, access to care, and emergency department length of stay? These organizations have done it.
Monday, August 20, 2018

Mind the Gap.

Get ready to gasp over the gap in pay between CEOs and registered nurses. Between 2005 and 2015, there was a 93% increase in average compensation for CEOs at 22 major nonprofit health systems. For RNs it was 3%.

Additionally, a new survey sheds some light on the career intentions of millennial nurses. Just what are those "kids" thinking? Find out.

Whether you get the flu is not up to you…and at many healthcare organizations, neither is whether you get your flu shot. As the flu season returns, so do mandatory flu vaccines.

And finally, for those trying to improve access to behavioral healthcare, we share three programs that have had success.


3 Behavioral Health Programs That Work
Want to improve mental health screening, access to care, and emergency department length of stay? Find out how these organizations have done it.
What Are Millennial Nurses Thinking? Here Are a Few Insights
Wondering what this new generation is thinking in terms of career pathways and work settings? A new survey sheds some light on the subject.
Nonprofit Exec Pay Growth Outpaces Doctor, Nurse Raises
In 2015, CEOs at major nonprofit health systems made five times as much as orthopedic surgeons. The pay gap between CEOs and registered nurses is even more cavernous. Find out who makes what.
8th Annual Survey Results: Mobile Strategies in Healthcare
More than 300 respondents shared their firsthand insights on how hospitals support their care teams with communication technology. Download this extensive visual report to view more than 50 data points and better understand the challenges and opportunities for mobile communications in healthcare.
Mandatory Flu Vaccines Increase Provider Vaccination Rates
Flu season is on its way, and experts agree that the vaccine is a must-have for healthcare providers. 
How Does Mass General Tap Its Own Brain Power to Innovate?
Healthcare Transformation Lab creates a culture of innovation by nurturing clinician and staff ideas.

Must Reads

Women dominate nursing. So why do men still make this much more than them?
Nurse practitioners call this new law better for healthcare in rural SC
Rauner signs law requiring Illinois hospitals have nurses trained to treat rape victims
Chicago Tribune
FDA approves Teva's generic EpiPen after yearslong delay
The hot new corporate health care trends are old and lukewarm

That's all for today. It's not mandatory, but feel free to send any tips, thoughts or advice my way at jthew@healthleadersmedia.com.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Editor, Nursing