Leadership & Careers
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 June 28, 2017


Successful CIOs: Practice Beats Personality
Deloitte's Global CIO study found that common behaviors, not personal qualities, differentiate IT leaders in high-performing businesses.
Google Assistant Superior, but Alexa Owns Households
Alphabet has a shot at winning the smart home device market with Google Home vs. Amazon Alexa, according to an Edison Investment Research report.
The Public Cloud and the Cost Savings Myth
The public cloud can be a valuable means to a more cost-efficient end, but don't think the savings are automatic.
Technology as Friend, Foe, or Partner?
The latest book by MIT researchers Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson explores the human/machine relationship and how businesses can prepare for the changes that the next 10 years will bring.
Globally, Chief Digital Officers Start to Take Hold
A PwC survey of 2,500 leading companies finds 19% have apppointed CDOs, up 300% from the year before.

[VIDEO] FireEye CEO Shares State of IT Threat Landscape

FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia stops by the InformationWeek News Desk at Interop ITX to talk about the state of the IT threat landscape.



  • How Cloud Can Streamline Business Workflow

    In order to optimize your utilization of cloud computing, you need to be able to deliver reliable and scalable high performing application over your corporate network. Your business counterparts will expect you to provide network performance that can handle all ...

  • Securing Your Endpoints from Ransomware & Other Trending Attacks

    Attackers have shifted their tactics. They've discovered new ways to re-engineer tactics to make them easier to execute, more evasive, and more likely to deceive targeted users. Combined with targeting platforms that organizations falsely consider more secure, these sophisticated attacks, ...



Gartner's 10 Tech Predictions That Will Change IT
During its recent Symposium ITXpo, Gartner released predictions about the future of technology for IT departments and users. Here's a look at those predictions and what they might mean for you and your organization.

10 Best US Cities For Tech Jobs In 2016
Glassdoor recently released its report on the best cities for jobs in 2016 based on factors including cost of living, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. Which of these cities on its list are best for IT pros? We take a look.

10 Strategic Tech Trends For 2017: Gartner
At the Gartner Symposium and ITxpo, Gartner released its annual list of the top 10 strategic trends. Are you planning for the right technology in your organization?

9 Raspberry Pi Projects For Your Summer Vacation
The right Raspberry Pi project can make the summer fun and educational. Here are nine possibilities that fit the bill.

10 Factors Determining Data Pro Salaries
O'Reilly Media's 4th annual survey of data professionals looks at tools, languages, gender, geographies, and a host of other factors that are predictors in terms of how much data workers can expect to earn. Where do you fit?


7 Technologies that Enable a Microservices Architecture



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