By leveraging blockchain technology, this innovative approach democratizes and decentralizes real es
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May 23, 2024
3 Benefits and 5 Leaders of the Real Estate Tokenization Revolution

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by Jurica Dujmovic
By Jurica Dujmovic

Real estate tokenization is rapidly emerging as a transformative force in the property investment landscape.

By leveraging blockchain technology, this innovative approach converts physical real estate assets into digital tokens, allowing for fractional ownership and enhanced liquidity.

This process democratizes access to real estate investments at a time when buying properties is becoming more and more difficult for average investors, making it possible for a broader range of investors to participate in the market.

Traditionally, real estate has been an illiquid and complex asset class, often requiring significant capital and lengthy transaction processes. Tokenization addresses these issues by streamlining transactions, reducing costs and providing a transparent and efficient means of buying and selling property shares.

Source: Wealthward Capital. Click here to see full-sized image.


As a result, investors can now enter and exit real estate investments with unprecedented ease, and property owners can unlock liquidity in their assets without the need for full-scale sales.

Naturally, this has led to real estate tokenization gaining remarkable traction recently.

But that also signifies a broader trend toward the digitization of assets — known within the crypto sphere as real-world assets, or RWAs, where blockchain technology plays a central role. And RWAs are the No. 3 trend leading the crypto markets so far this bull run.

The market for real estate tokenization is valued at $3.8 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach $26 billion by 2034, with the fractional ownership market growing at a CAGR of 2.9%.

But tokenization does more than just improve accessibility. In fact, there are three main benefits to real-estate tokenization, including …

  • Enhanced Liquidity: This is probably one of the most significant advantages. As I’ve stated earlier, traditional real estate investments are notoriously illiquid, often requiring substantial time and effort to buy or sell properties.

    Tokenization transforms this by enabling real estate assets to be divided into smaller, tradable tokens. These tokens can be bought and sold on secondary markets, allowing investors to quickly and easily enter or exit positions.

    This increased liquidity makes real estate a more attractive investment option, especially for those looking for flexibility.

  • Democratization: By making real estate liquid and accessible to a global audience, the real estate space could shift drastically toward decentralization. Especially since, traditionally, investing in real estate required significant capital and local knowledge.

    Blockchain technology eliminates these barriers, allowing investors from anywhere in the world to purchase tokens representing fractional ownership of properties. This global accessibility broadens the investor base, providing opportunities for individuals who previously couldn't afford to invest in real estate.

  • Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency: Since each transaction is recorded on a blockchain, the potential for fraud is reduced. Additionally, the automation of processes through smart contracts speeds up transactions, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional real estate deals.

    It also streamlines many of the other processes associated with real estate investment, such as property management, rent collection and distribution of profits. And smart contracts can also ensure that these processes comply with regulatory requirements.

    By embedding compliance measures into the blockchain, these platforms help mitigate risks and ensure that all transactions meet legal standards.

Despite these benefits, real estate tokenization faces significant regulatory hurdles.

Different jurisdictions have varying laws and regulations regarding securities, property transactions and blockchain technology. Ensuring compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and protect investors, but needing to comply with so many variations means there can’t be a one-size-fits-all smart contract. Each would have to be individually developed.

Beyond regulation, there are additional headwinds. These tokens would be subject to volatility not only in the real estate market but also in the crypto market. Not to mention cybersecurity and operational risks, as well.

Still, all challenges are ones that can be accounted for with blockchain technology. Platforms can address these concerns by implementing robust security measures and regulatory compliance frameworks.

And that brings me to my top four real estate tokenization platforms. Given this rapidly growing market and the transformative potential of tokenization, it's crucial to understand the key players and initiatives driving this revolution.

And I believe these four are at the forefront of this revolution.

RealT (REG, Not Yet Rated)

RealT is one of the trailblazers in the real estate tokenization space, offering investors the opportunity to purchase fractional shares of rental properties.

Through RealT's platform, investors can buy tokens that represent ownership in rental properties, primarily located in the United States. It also allows investors to earn rental income in cryptocurrency, typically paid out in stablecoins pegged to the U.S. dollar, like USD Coin (USDC).

Click here to see full-sized image.


By leveraging blockchain technology, RealT ensures that transactions are secure and transparent. Each property is tokenized, and ownership records are maintained on the blockchain, providing a tamper-proof and easily accessible ledger. 
 This model has proven attractive to a wide range of investors, particularly those looking to diversify their portfolios with real estate assets without the need for substantial capital investment.

Propy (PRO, “D”)

Propy distinguishes itself by providing a comprehensive platform that automates the entire property transaction process using blockchain technology to a wider audience. 
 Unlike RealT, which focuses on fractional shares of rental properties, Propy offers an end-to-end solution that includes smart contracts to streamline every step from initial offers to final closings. And its blockchain-based title registry adds another layer of transparency by maintaining an immutable record of property ownership, which helps mitigate fraud.

Propy also offers a global marketplace for real estate, enabling cross-border transactions and connecting buyers, sellers and investors worldwide. This feature sets Propy apart by broadening investment opportunities beyond local markets.


Meridio targets the commercial real estate sector, offering a platform for fractional ownership of high-value commercial properties, a market traditionally reserved for large institutional investors.

The platform provides detailed information about each property — including financial performance and tenant occupancy — giving investors transparency and confidence in their investments.

REtokens and Polymesh (POLYX, Not Yet Rated)

REtokens has recently announced an initiative to tokenize $30 million in real estate assets using the Polymesh blockchain.

Polymesh, a blockchain designed specifically for regulated assets, offers features aimed at compliance and security, making it a suitable choice for this venture. The blockchain's ability to handle complex regulatory requirements without the need for third-party smart contracts simplifies the tokenization process.

This initiative by REtokens includes a wide range of real estate assets, including apartment buildings, townhouse projects and multi-family funds located in the U.S.

The future of real estate tokenization and blockchain integration looks promising. As technology advances and regulatory frameworks become clearer, more real estate assets are likely to be tokenized.

This will further enhance liquidity, accessibility and efficiency in the real estate market.

I also expect the development of new financial products and services that leverage tokenized real estate as this sector grows, providing investors with innovative new investment opportunities.

Examples of this could be the use of tokenized real estate as collateral for decentralized finance loans or the development of new financial products such as real estate-backed securities and derivatives.

The broader impact of real estate tokenization on the market and investment strategies could be quite profound. By making real estate more accessible and liquid, tokenization is changing the way people invest in property … and potentially even how we can use property as an investment.

This shift is likely to attract a new wave of investors to the real estate market, driving growth and innovation.

The future of real estate investing is undoubtedly digital, and tokenization is at the forefront of this revolutionary transition.

As an investor, the only question left to ask is: Will you be at the forefront of this revolution?


Jurica Dujmovic

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