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The latest Drought Monitor raises even more interest in what this year's Pro Farmer Crop Tour will find. Iowa, Indiana and Ohio, all states Crop Tour samples, have shown increases of abnormal dryness or drought.

  - Iowa 63% now covered by abnormal drought or dryness
  - Indiana 67% now covered by abnormal drought or dryness
  - Ohio 85% now covered by abnormal drought or dryness

This year's Pro Farmer Crop Tour will give the industry a "boots-on-the-ground" look at how corn and soybean yield potential is impacted and can help answer these 3 important questions:
  1. How much could abnormal dryness impact national yield & production?
  2. Does yield potential compare to last year?
  3. How could prices be impacted?
Start a Pro Farmer trial today and get Pro Farmer's exclusive Crop Tour reports and data leading up to, during and following this year's highly anticipated event.

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