Hi John

So, sucks that they pretty much botched the PPP the first time around...

Running out of money...funding to big firms and big chains. Preferential treatment, etc.

Hopefully they are addressing the many flaws in a second round that sounds close to happening.

We'll know more on that soon...

Late yesterday I recorderd a great interview for folks currently doing takeout & delivery. (though the tactics apply down the road also)

Nick, who operates a couple of bars & restaurants @ Chicago joined me to share a few key email tips and strategies.

You can do these things right away!

Don't miss it...


Two more quick things -- a bunch of people wrote in asking if a replay was posted from last week's live webinar about recovery planning ideas...

Yes, that can be found here:

Lastly, man this article I shared on Facebook on Sunday got tons of action -- makes sense because the author nailed it -- check it out...

"Why Restaurants Are So Fucked"

I'll be live again later this week on Friday -- I'll look to share that info later in the week...

Stay well...
- Jaime