Dear Voornaam,
There are several religious holidays this time of year, so please accept my best wishes for whatever you observe.
Here is the info you need for this week:
LinkedIn: Are We Connected?
During the past two weeks, I have increased my activity on LinkedIn. I'm doing this because I am in the middle of a packed schedule of speaking engagements, and most of the audience members at these events are active on that platform.
Please connect with me and be sure and click the little bell icon on the top right-hand side of my profile to receive notifications about new posts.
If you'd like connections to anyone in my LinkedIn contacts, please let me know and I will be happy to make an introduction.Â
Join Me for Breakfast
Each month I host a networking breakfast. I want you to join me. In April, we have people attending from Chicago and the West Coast. You don't want to miss this. Here's the info and registration link:
ICEBOX Café - April 14, 2023 - 7:45 AM 219 NE 3rd Street Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 $33 includes breakfast Register at this link:
Get High-Net-Worth Clients
Harry Cendrowski (CEO of Cendrowski Corporate Advisors) and I host a group of professionals that target high-net-worth clients. This is a networking and educational opportunity with people from the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Join us:
April 11, 2023 - 5 PM Eastern Zoom High-Net-Worth-Client Attraction Group
I hope you take advantage of all three of these opportunities.
See you soon.
Warm regards,
Dave Lorenzo (786) 436-1986 Dave Lorenzo & Company Int'l 1442 SW 155 Court Miami, FL 33194 USA | Unsubscribe |
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