Jul 03, 2020

Good morning from Washington, where President Trump is touting the “spectacular news” in the June jobs numbers showing the economy coming back strong from COVID-19. Fred Lucas reports. Plus: the states that are moving to protect women’s sports; keeping peace through strength; and what history teaches us about big change. On this date in 1775, George Washington rides on horseback to greet troops gathered at Cambridge Common in Massachusetts, taking command of the Continental Army. Tomorrow, we celebrate what happened a year later.

By Jarrett Stepman

As we’ve seen many symbols of America’s past get literally smashed by mobs, it’s important for those who still love their country to reflect on why it is exceptional and worth fighting for.
By Sen. Mike Lee

"I just proposed a nonbinding resolution condemning mob violence and Senate Democrats objected. I don't know whether to be outraged or embarrassed for them," says Sen. Mike Lee.
By Fred Lucas

Trump called the government's June numbers for employment the “largest monthly jobs gain in the history of our country.”
By Kay C. James

As Independence Day approaches and Americans look forward to celebrating the unparalleled peace, prosperity, and freedom that this nation has provided, many in Congress don’t seem to understand that we have these gifts because we maintain a powerful and ready military.
By Kaylee Greenlee

Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington are all considering bills related to transgender athletes' participation in school sports.
By Lee Edwards

We are in the midst of a revolution right now that affects every institution, political, economic, and cultural, from the U.S. Capitol to Wall Street to Hollywood.

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