This glorious Saturday deserves an adventure.

Our first tip to a quality day trip? Making sure you've got Rascal Flatts' Life is a Highway queued for the drive.

The second? Know where you're going.

Thankfully for you, we've got some top inspiration on where you can explore this weekend.

If a little bit of history is your thing, head straight over to Al Fahidi, where you can discover some of the city's best free museums. Then hop in an abra to Deira and go hunting for something special in the souks.

For a breath of fresh air, set your Google Maps for Hatta, and you can be mountain hiking or kayaking through the dam in less than two hours. Lush.

Or get on the road to Al Qudra, hit the cycle track and finish the day chilling out by the lakes.

But if you've only got time for a mini adventure, don't fret, as there's plenty happening this weekend to keep you entertained.


Perfect plans to suit anyone and everyone

All the info you could ever need

free things to do in Dubai

Put your wallet away

Sizzling spots to spend the day

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