CNOs are creating workplace cultures that support nurses and enable them to grow in their careers.
Monday, November 25, 2019

'A nurse is only as good as their last shift,' says Katie Boston-Leary, PhD, MBA, NEA-BC, vice president and system CNO at University of Maryland Capital Region Health in Cheverly, Maryland, and 2019 HealthLeaders CNO Exchange attendee.

Just a few short weeks ago, I spent some time with about 30 nurse executives at the HealthLeaders 2019 CNO Exchange in Ojai, California. The weather was perfect, the group was dynamic, and the conversations were pertinent to the challenges and opportunities nurse leaders currently face. In this issue, I've compiled a collection of articles that feature the highlights from the Exchange conversations and the accomplishments of past and present event attendees.

Now that the 2019 CNO Exchange has wrapped up, planning of the 2020 event will begin. If you would like more information about the event, please email


3 Ways CNOs Can Improve Workplace Culture
From addressing workplace violence to fostering mentoring, CNOs are creating workplace cultures that support nurses and enable them to grow in their careers.
3 Questions I Want to Ask Nurse Leaders at the CNO Exchange
I will ask nurse leaders to share details on the solutions they are using to tackle the nursing profession's biggest challenges.
Chief Nursing Officers: 3 Tactics to Solve Healthcare Industry Challenges
Three CNOs share how they've successfully tackled common healthcare problems in nursing such as optimizing technology, developing nurse management, and retaining bedside staff.
Survey reveals better care needed for hospitalized patients with diabetes.
Costs are four times higher, stays are 2 to 3 days longer and glucose control is lacking. A nationwide survey of U.S. healthcare professionals indicates there is vast room for improvement.
Stop Emergency Department Violence Against Nurses, Physicians
A new campaign aims to heighten awareness of the detrimental effects of emergency department violence.
4 Issues on Nurse Leaders' Radar
Nurse executives discuss some of the nursing profession's biggest challenges. Here's a roundup of those important topics.

Must Reads

Mercy Health expanding recruitment outreach to combat nurse shortage
NBC 24
Legislation would put N.J. nurses - not state law - in charge of staffing levels
NJ Spotlight
Nurses to visit Chicago parents with newborns at home under new pilot program
More men are changing careers to be nurses
Chicago Daily Herald

That's all for this Thanksgiving week issue. Have a wonderful holiday, and know that I am thankful for all the work nurses do each day. As always, feel free to reach out to me at or Tweet @jen_NurseEditor.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Editor, Nursing