Celebrate Poverty is Unnecessary Day on 10/25 >
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Whole Planet Foundation
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Poverty is Unnecessary
  Whole Foods Market stores and Whole Planet Foundation supplier partners in the Poverty is Unnecessary Fund will come together on October 25th, 2016 to support 25 Hours of Giving online. Here's how to join us and help raise funds to create more microloans and show that #povertyisunnecessary.  
Join Our Partners
Suppliers in the Poverty is Unnecessary Fund have committed $200,000 in the coming year to help alleviate poverty worldwide.
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Fund a Loan
On October 25th, donate online and receive a virtual goodie bag with offers from Poverty Is Unnecessary fund partners.
Give on 10/25 >
Our Impact
Share Our Impact
We've helped fund 1.5 million microloans to impoverished entrepreneurs, whose tenacity is part of why we believe #povertyisunnecessary.
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