Last week one of my team members said to me...
"Craig, I'm worried about COVID and the economy and I'd like to know how I can prepare myself and my family for the worst."
And it's a question everyone should be asking themselves right now...
With the virus surging all over North America…
A second round of forced lockdowns and business closures happening...
And the US dollar dipping vs other currencies...
Winter IS coming again...
Colder. Harder. Stronger.
And according to most experts... for much longer.
So yes, you want to make sure you’re ready to weather the storm.
If your customers are left with diminished bank accounts or your specific market becomes badly affected…
You need to be able to pivot and adjust.
While other people are out there investing their savings into alternative currencies like Bitcoin or overvalued tech companies …
Or stocking their cellars with canned foods and water…
I recommend doing something completely different.
Because even if you do “buy the next Bitcoin” you’re actually worse off since you did nothing to address the real problem of actually improving true high income skills.
So I gave three simple suggestions to my team member… and I want you to follow the same advice.
1. Diversify Your Income/Lead Sources
First and most importantly...
To survive and thrive in a post COVID world you MUST diversify your sources of income and know how to acquire customers from more than one channel.
Already this year we've seen entire industries destroyed almost overnight because of government lockdowns...
Like in-person fitness and fine dining.
And anyone relying on just one stream of revenue or one source of leads is going to struggle.
Yet many online businesses are not only surviving, they’re thriving.
It isn’t just mega-retailers like Amazon either.
My clients selling information products and supplements, doing affiliate marketing or coaching and consulting...
... running membership sites, or selling digital marketing services or other freelancing gigs are all thriving.
People in these businesses are cleaning up by creating multiple offers…
And mastering lead generation through multiple sources like Instagram and Linked In (two of my gold mines).
Right now is the time to get obsessed about creating new offers, solving new problems, and finding new ways to reach your ideal clients online.
The more offers you have and the more ways you can drive new leads to those offers...
...The more likely you'll be to weather the coming storm.
2. Slash Expenses
The second thing you MUST do to withstand the coming winter is to get serious about slashing your expenses and stockpiling real wealth.
I know some places things might feel normal right now...
But this sense of normalcy won't last forever. And it's up to you to make the sacrifices you need to make now...
...So that when the economy is hit hardest and when this second lockdown is breaking other businesses...
YOU still have enough cash in hand to keep yourself and your business afloat.
Now is the time to be frugal and cut your expenses to their bare minimum.
If it’s a luxury not a necessity, or it doesn’t help your business make money… cut it.
3. Grow Your Influence
To succeed in this new economy you MUST develop and expand your influence.
And no matter how bad things get...
The people with the most influence always win.
When you have thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people who see you as a trusted advisor and turn to you for help and guidance...
... You'll be able to withstand any storm and generate income pretty much on demand.
And right now...
We have a tiny window where it's easier to establish this influence than ever before.
Your competitors are closing their doors. Ad costs are lower than ever before. And opportunities abound for the smart entrepreneurs who know how to capitalize on them.
And with that...
One of THE biggest opportunities of the coming DECADE is growing your business with social story selling.
With more people than ever before spending more time than ever before on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook...
...the rest of 2020 and all of 2021 will be a goldmine for entrepreneurs who know how to leverage social to grow their business and influence.
And if you want to get the exact scripts, schedules, and secrets I've personally used to grow my social followings to more than 250k and well over 7-figures in yearly revenue...
This week only I'm offering my complete Social Story Selling System for an insane 63% OFF "pandemic discount."
And it's your best opportunity to unlock thousands in "simple profits", become the expert in your industry, and grow your business to the next level...
...Without spending a dime on paid ads, recording 73 different webinars, or writing new blog posts until your fingers bleed.
So if you want to discover how myself and 2,000+ clients (from 47 countries) have used social selling to "recession proof" our lives and create real freedom…
--> Just click here to get my Social Story Selling System for 63% off while you still can
To Your Success,
Craig |