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30 things you should never do in Microsoft Office (free PDF)

Bad habits or a lack of experience with certain Office features can lead to a lot of confusion and time-consuming rework. This ebook offers some easy ways to prevent those headaches by avoiding common mistakes in Word, Excel, and Outlook.

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Frustrated with coding? Microsoft releases new tools to relieve the grind

Microsoft: No, we don't hate open source software, and we can prove it

Microsoft reveals Azure IoT Edge: Putting AI at the furthest reaches of your network

Microsoft streamlines big data analytics with new Azure services

Posts from ZDNet

Key Windows 10 defense is "worthless" and bug dates back to Windows 8

Microsoft releases first test build of Windows Server 1803

Microsoft to integrate Visual Studio with AI services

Microsoft gets data-fabulous at NYC event

Featured multimedia

Video: How to solve IPv6 network problems

If you're having issues with Linux servers or desktops, you might need to disable the IPv6 of the network protocol. Jack Wallen shows you how.

Photos: The computer programmers behind NASA's Apollo missions

Today's recommended downloads

Building on Multi-Model Databases - MarkLogic Report


Enterprise NoSQL For Dummies, MarkLogic Special Edition


Beyond Relational - MarkLogic Report


Plan for Success With High-Stakes Data Projects - MarkLogic Report


Semantics For Dummies, MarkLogic Special Edition


Survey: Do you have concerns about the rise of autonomous transportation?

Are you worried that autonomous transportation will kill jobs? Do you have concerns about the safety of autonomous transportation? Take this quick survey.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

The future of Everything as a Service

Software as a Service has set off a revolution in the way companies consume services on-demand. We look at how it's spreading to other IT services and transforming IT jobs.

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