4 Breakfast Ideas That Keep You Satisfied Longer
Hopefully, you are already starting your day with breakfast instead of running out the door on an empty stomach. Among the slew of reasons why breakfast is so important, data shows that breakfast skippers consume significantly more calories, carbohydrates, total and saturated fat, and added sugars during lunch, dinner and snacks than those who are breakfast eaters.
But it may not be enough to simply eat “whatever” for breakfast if you are trying to support your health and stay satisfied until lunchtime. While smoothies and whole-grain English muffins may be nutrient-packed choices, they could very well leave your tummy grumbling shortly after mealtime.
Why? If you aren’t eating enough protein at breakfast, you may not feel as satisfied. Eating protein can positively affect certain hormone levels and increase feelings of fullness, possibly leading to less calorie consumption overall and ultimately supporting weight-loss goals.
Sneaking in some protein is simple to do with a little know-how. To help avoid morning hangriness and to add some satisfying protein to the start of your day, here are four breakfast ideas that keep you satisfied longer.
Find out how to stay fueled all morning »