If you take pills to lower your blood pressure, a top American doctor urges you to stop immediately.
Healthly Notes
Jennifer Adeghate
Chief Editor of the Healthy Notes

Dr. Jennifer Adeghate
If you take pills to lower your blood pressure, a top American doctor urges you to stop immediately.

New cases are popping up of victims of the 4 best-selling blood pressure drugs.

These victims are getting dizzy, fatigued, faint, and sick.

Are you taking 1 of these dangerous medications?

Find out in this short and free video presented by a top blood pressure doctor.
Watch This Video
>> Video reveals 4 popular, but deadly, blood pressure pills.

To your health,

Dr. Marlene Merritt, DOM, MS Nutrition
Daily Health Notes Incorporate Seeds Into Meals:
Add chia, flax, or pumpkin seeds to your meals for a nutrient-dense boost of omega-3s and fiber.