Your donation will go twice as far — but only before midnight.

Did you see Dutch’s email?

Last week, we set a critical fundraising goal: $10,000 to fight disinformation and hate with everything we’ve got as Elon Musk proceeds with his purchase of Twitter.

Then a generous donor just informed us that they would match every donation toward that goal through midnight Friday.

As I write this email, we're still a little behind on our goal, which is why that same generous donor has EXTENDED their match through midnight tonight. I crunched the numbers and know exactly how much grassroots support we need:

Based on the number of supporters in 90210, we just need four people in your area to make a contribution so we can hit our goal before the midnight deadline. Could you be one of them?

Thank you so much for your support, and please take a moment to read Dutch’s important email if you haven’t already.



Free Press


What will Twitter look like after Elon Musk completes his purchase of the social-media platform? You don’t have to stray too far from his track record for a preview.

The richest person in the world, Musk:

  • Has used the social-media network to threaten and disparage anyone he dislikes or doesn’t agree with — including journalists, elected officials and owners of competing businesses.
  • Promises to “transform” the social network and make “significant improvements” to the ways it manages content — which apparently also means letting Donald Trump back on Twitter.1
  • Tweeted a Russia-friendly proposal to end the war in Ukraine after a call with Russian President Vladimir Putin.2

We still don’t know what Musk’s real plans are, but we do know that platforms like Twitter are already failing to protect users from hate and disinformation. And under Musk things will get worse.

Can we count on you to make your first gift to Free Press today so we have the resources to fight disinformation and hold platforms accountable? A generous donor is extending their match of every donation made between now and tomorrow at midnight, dollar for dollar!

Let’s be very clear: The leader of any social-media platform must take action against things like incitement of violence, the spread of disinformation, sexual harassment and abuse, and other hateful activities. These protections are essential for all platform users — not just a few prominent and powerful players like Musk.

We’ve done the research, convened the Change the Terms coalition of experts to hold social-media platforms accountable, and mobilized a massive movement of folks just like you to sound the alarm. And we can’t stop now.

If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to donate to Free Press for the first time, THIS IS IT. Rush any amount toward our $10,000 goal before midnight tomorrow, and a generous donor will match your gift dollar for dollar.

Thank you for making a difference.

In solidarity,

Dutch and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. Weakened content moderation at Twitter would spread more toxic bigotry and conspiracy theories, threaten public health and safety, and undermine democracy. We can’t afford it. Please donate now, while all gifts are being DOUBLED, to help provide the resources we need to rise to this moment.

1. “Elon Musk Says He Would Reverse the Permanent Ban of Trump on Twitter,” The New York Times, May 10, 2022

2. “Elon Musk Spoke to Putin Before Tweeting Ukraine Peace Plan: Report,” Vice, Oct. 11, 2022

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