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Dear John,

Everyone I know believes they have untapped potential still inside of them. How about you? Unfortunately, only a small percentage are actively and intentionally stepping into and leveling up their potential every day.

Here are the 4 Steps you can use to release your full potential:

Step 1: Know WHAT you want. Big and small and in every area of your life - get clear on what you want.

Step 2: Know WHY you want what you want. It’s ok to just “want” some things. However the Big things like Health, Relationships, Peace of Mind, etc need to have a Why driving them - or they get neglected.

Step 3: Have clarity on your PURPOSE. What you will realize is that all of your Whys when added together, will lead you to your Purpose. If your Purpose is not crystal clear, the noise of the world will derail and sidetrack you away from your Purpose, and you will not follow through purposefully pursuing your Whys and Whats.

Step 4: Create the PLAN. Your plan should include the step by step goals to not only achieve your Purpose, Whys, and Whats, but also to intentionally develop yourself so that you become the person that automatically moves towards your Purpose.

When these 4 steps happen intentionally and daily, you will constantly be stepping into and releasing you potential.

Do you want to unleash and level up your potential as fast as possible?

(Check the p.s.!)

Choose To Win!


P.s. One of the best ways to unleash your potential faster than you can imagine is to have a coach and accountability partner. Because of this, we have created Ziglar JumpStart coaching. Check it out right here.

The investment for 4 sessions is less than dinner for 2 at a good restaurant. Dinner will hold you to breakfast - JumpStart will change your life!


Ziglar, Inc., 2140 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite L702 Southlake, Texas 76092 United States 1 (800) 527-0306