TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 5, 2017

4 Times Trump Has Inspired Widespread Speculation About His Cognitive Decline

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The president looked thoroughly disoriented this weekend. Some believe he was "sundowning." READ MORE»

Trump Fans Throw a Conniption Fit After NPR Tweets out the Declaration of Independence

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

Backers accused "Morning Edition" of inciting a revolution. You can't make this up. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: Here's How We Defeat Trumpism and Save the Planet

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The acclaimed philosopher cautions Democrats that "ridicule is not enough." READ MORE»

A Wisconsin Republican Looks Back With Regret at His Party's Voter Suppression Tactics

By Topher Sanders, ProPublica

"Even seemingly small impacts can have great consequences." READ MORE»

Don't Look Now, but Investigators Are Exploring if Russia Colluded with Pro-Trump Sites During the Election

By Julian Borger, The Guardian

Robert Mueller's probe grows wider and deeper with each passing week. READ MORE»

Naomi Klein: This Is How Democrats Can Win Back Congress and the White House

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The award-winning author pleads her case in a wide-ranging new interview. READ MORE»

Indiana GOP's Call for 'Obamacare Horror Stories' Backfires Spectacularly

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

"The only horror story is that Republicans might take it away." READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on the Media's Obsession With Trump's Tweets

By Matt Bors, AlterNet

Turns out the White House can't transform a 70-year-old maniac. READ MORE»

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