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Editor's Letter
Brian Klems Brian A. Klems
Online Editor
We're about halfway through the summer (and just past halfway through the year). How's your writing coming along? Have you been making investments in your career? Have you made any connections in the publishing world? All of these things are important, so if you have been slacking so far in 2016 no need to worry-there's time to catch up. But the time is now. Let's start moving forward. Perhaps you can kick it off with this all-new podcast, where Robert and I talk with literary agent Carly Watters about how to pitch (and talk to) an agent . And here's are some additional things that may help:

Our most popular boot camp is back starting August 18: The Agent One-on-One: First Ten Pages Boot Camp. Spend three days getting instruction, working on the opening of your book and having your manuscript critiqued by an agent whose goal is to make it exciting enough to entice more agents! This particular boot camp tends to sell out, so sign up now!

Finally, if you have a self-published ebook you're not going to want to miss this: The deadline for our Self-Published eBook Awards is approaching (August 6). It includes more than $10,000 in prizes, a paid trip to the Writer's Digest Annual Conference in NYC and the ability to promote your book as a Writer's Digest Award Winning Book. For more details and to enter, click here. Enjoy the final week of July!

Take care of yourself and your writing,

Brian A. Klems
Senior Online Editor, Writer's Digest
Author, Oh Boy, You're Having a Girl: A Dad's Survival Guide to Raising Daughters
Twitter: @BrianKlems

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[Limited Seats] LIVE 3-Hour Copywriting Crash Course

Start earning $2,000... $5,000... even $10,000 per project, plus royalties.

These are industry-standard rates. People hiring for this type of writing project expect to pay them.

Learn everything on a 3-Hour Live Training with Rebecca Matter & Katie Yeakle. Because this is a LIVE event, participation is limited.

Click here to learn all about it.

Jessica Strawser
Jessica Strawser
4 Tips to Improve Your Writing Instantly

Here's a sneak peek at four of Jessica Strawser's favorite writing tips from the all-new September 2016 issue of Writer's Digest magazine:


Mike Hoogland
Erin Entrada Kelly
6 Golden Rules of Writing Middle Grade

There's a reason why you rarely hear anyone talk about their wonderful years in middle school. But that's also the reason why middle-grade is such a tour de force in children's literature. When done well, all that angst makes for compelling material that can send an important, powerful message to your misfit readers: You are not alone.

But how can you-a grown-up (gasp!)-effectively write the middle-grade voice? Here's how.

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Brian Klems
Connie Hertzberg Mayo
Why Facebook Is My Dream Publicist

Like a dream book publicist, Facebook has helped me in many ways. Here's how it can help you as a writer.

Julia Baker
Chuck Sambuchino
14 Literary Agents Seeking Memoir NOW

Sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint which agents are open to submissions at any given time. So with that in mind, I'm creating some new vertical lists of agents seeking queries right now, as of summer 2016. This list is for memoir.

All the agents listed below personally confirmed to me as of July 2016 that they are actively seeking memoir (personal life story) submissions NOW. Some gave personal notes about their tastes while some did not. Good luck querying!

WDC 2016
Come Join Us!
5 Must-Attend Sessions at the Writer's Digest NYC Conference

At the Writer's Digest Annual Conference, a three-day event in New York City (August 12-14), there will be sessions and topics the cover nearly everything you need to know no matter what stage of the writing process your are in. And if you're wondering what are some of the more popular sessions, let me help you out with these five to get you started:

Cris Freese
Cris Freese
5 Things Friday Night Lights Can Teach Us About Writing

This week we'll take a look at Friday Night Lights. Loosely based off of H.G. Bissinger's nonfiction book that follows the 1988 season of the Permian Panthers and the subsequent 2004 film, this show weaves together great characters and themes with terrific writing, portraying life in small town America for teenagers and adults alike. (Alert: Potential spoilers follow.)

Contributing Editor

Your Weekly Writing Prompt

The Sword in the Ceiling: After a long, hard day of work, you return home-the only problem is, your front door is wide open, all your lights are on and there's a sword stuck in the ceiling. The rest of your house looks normal, but you also notice several holes dug in your backyard. What's going on?

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Sign up now!
How to Craft Memoirs That Get Published
This live webinar covers how to identify and develop the premise of your memoir, get tips on how to translate that idea from inception to execution, and discover common mistakes authors make when writing a memoir. Instructor Victoria Marini is a literary agent with the Gelfman Schneider Literary Agency who has worked on and represented several memoirs over the past five years. She'll share insight into what makes readers engage in a memoir and what makes them stop reading.

Here's how to register ...
Contributing Editor
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Writer's Market Podcast

Have you been listening to the Writer's Market podcast? If not, get with the program; it's free and available to all. Click to continue.

Each episode is hosted by WritersMarket.com editor Robert Lee Brewer and WritersDigest.com editor Brian A. Klems and features interviews with publishing and media professionals who are hand-selected for their ability to provide freelance writers with advice to find more success with their writing and freelancing goals.

Here's a recap of the first six episodes:
Look for a new podcast episode each month.
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