Yesterday I sent an email encouraging you to think BIGGER about your goals for 2025.
Today I want to continue that theme…
With a few “weird” questions I stole from Mr. 4-Hour Work Week himself, Tim Ferriss.
Over the years, Tim collected a handful of questions he asks himself regularly to spur more growth and creativity.
The 4 below are my favorites.
These questions will help you think outside the box…
Solve problems that might have seemed unsolvable before...
And expand your perspective about what’s possible for you (both this year, and in life overall).
I encourage you to pick any or all of these that resonate…
Grab a hot coffee...
And think.
I guarantee you’ll have some big ideas and breakthroughs.
Q1: “How could we achieve our 10-year goals in the next 6 months?”
Q2: “What if we couldn’t pitch our product directly?” (ie. How can we get people interested in what we sell without the usual yammering about features, benefits, discounts, and special promotions? People don’t care about your product, they care about what they and people like them are going through. They want stories, not announcements. People don’t like being sold, they like being told stories. So work around the latter)
Q3: “What if we did the opposite for 48 hours?”
Q4: “What if we could only subtract to solve problems?”
I like the first one and last two the most.
If you have employees or partners, I recommend sharing these questions to get everyone’s input.
But regardless of whether you tackle these in a group brainstorming session…
Or on your own at a favorite coffee shop…
You’re sure to come up with some powerful ideas you probably never would have otherwise.
Let me know how it goes! Success Loves Speed,
PS - If you’re ready to 2X your income (or more) while working 10 less hours per week...
... Just REPLY to this email with the words “2X 10 LESS” and we'll set up a time to chat with you to find out if we can help.