We knew the fight to pass the Save the Internet Act was going to be tough

Free Press Action

We won’t stand for watered-down Net Neutrality legislation. Donate today to help us pass the Save the Internet Act in the Senate and a generous donor will DOUBLE your gift.


We knew the fight to pass the Save the Internet Act was going to be tough: As soon as it cleared the House last month, obstructionist-in-chief Mitch McConnell vowed it would be “dead on arrival” in the Senate.

To make matters worse, we’re now dealing with 47 House Democrats who are standing in the way. Apparently cowed by McConnell’s promise to block the bill in the Senate, these Dems are backpedaling and calling for the House to craft new “bipartisan” Net Neutrality legislation (that’s code for fake Net Neutrality).

We’re not falling for it — and neither should lawmakers or anyone else.

The Save the Internet Act is the only bill that would bring back the strong open-internet rules the Trump FCC destroyed. And right now we need to push Mitch McConnell to bring it to the full Senate floor for a vote.

We need your help to get the Senate on board — and put out this latest fire in the House.

To pull it off, we’ve launched a campaign to raise $75K to restore Net Neutrality. There’s a ton of work to do and no time to lose — and we’re just 21 percent of the way to our goal.

Your gift today could make all the difference: A generous Net Neutrality hero will double every dollar you donate. Please chip in whatever you can right away.

With thanks—

Carrie, Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. We’re able to stay totally independent thanks to the generosity of folks like you (we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties). Help win back Net Neutrality with a gift of $10 — or whatever you can give — today. Every dollar you donate will be doubled. Thank you!

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