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Dear all,

we are pleased to inform you that the4th edition of the Bilbao Data Science Workshop will be held at BCAM on November 7th and 8th and it will focus on attracting researchers in a variety of fields involving Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

About the event
This workshop will feature five keynote and ten invited speakers exploring the nature of the relationship between Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics to develop synergies among the fields. The main goal of this workshop is to create a scientific cross-talk between these different research fields.

Aimed at all profiles
The workshop structure, which combines high profile speakers across world-leading institutions, has a tradition of ensuring a diverse and lively interaction between participants, helping early-career researchers to focus their interests, as discussions emphasize current approaches and outstanding questions that should be addressed in future research.
  • Date:  7-8 November
  • Time: 9:30 am
  • Location: BCAM seminar room. Alameda Mazarredo, 14 (Bilbao).
  • More information:
Sign-up form
Would you like to present at BIDAS?
If you'd like to present a poster during the workshop you can let us know in the sign-up form or by sending an email to, using the template, before October 31st.
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