My new favorite hobby is watching the 5m SPY candle every morning with a print out of Voz’s Game Plan at the ready.
Here was this morning’s:
This is the EXACT email.
Voz set her Put Zone from $593.12 to $589.17.
And wouldn’t ya know… here’s how the day started:
Straight into the Put Zone. We’re in puts at $593.12. Target is $589.17. Some members pretty quickly got out for profit on that long green wick down:
Tomorrow’s Game Plan is on deck. These happen EVERY DAY, people! You get the exact Call Zone prices, the exact Put Zone prices.
You watch the SPY 5m candle.
If it enters the Put Zone, you buy puts.
If it enters the Call Zone, you buy calls.
If it doesn’t enter either, you take the day off, celebrate your recent wins and wait for the next day’s SPY Strike Zones.
So far, my personal rating is ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Game Plan hitting it out of the park!
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