TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 10, 2016

Dallas Brings out the Worst of the Worst: 5 Awful Right-Wing Moments This Week

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

Bill O'Reilly has officially broken his record of hatefulness. READ MORE»

It's Not the Killers' Problems—It's Our Own

By Jim Sleeper, Boston Globe

Trying to figure out each new killer’s derangement, racism, homophobia, xenophobia or rage at America is missing the point completely. READ MORE»

At a Time Like This, Is There Anyone We Need Less Than Rudy Giuliani?

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Former New York mayor who oversaw police killings of African-Americans baselessly smears Black Lives Matter. READ MORE»

Before Alton Sterling, Louisiana Police Have Killed 38 Mentally Ill People Since 2015

By Ben Norton, Salon

Louisiana police officers have a recent history of pulling the trigger without cause. READ MORE»

Beware Bogus Treatments for Summer Miseries (and What Really Works Instead)

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

There are right ways and wrong ways to treat sunburn, bug bites and poison ivy.  READ MORE»

Trump's Attorney Says Child Rape Allegations Have 'Absolutely No Merit'

By William Boardman, Reader Supported News

Unsurprisingly, he calls the allegations "politically motivated." READ MORE»

The Everyday Lives of Convicted Sex Offenders

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

At Florida's “Pervert Park," a group is trying to get their lives back on track after unspeakable mistakes.  READ MORE»

How the GOP Is Using Dark Money and the 'Opioid Epidemic' to Save Its Senate Majority

By Mike Ludwig, Truthout

It seems like everyone is playing politics with painkillers these days. READ MORE»

The No-State Solution to the Israel-Palestine Conflict

By Jeremy R. Hammond, AlterNet

A paradigm shift is required to bring about a peaceful resolution to the world’s most infamous conflict.  READ MORE»

The Democrats Ignore the 500-Pound Lobbyist in the Room

By Michael Winship, Moyers and Company

As party members meet to approve a new platform, they pay little attention to the industry that's destroying government and politics. READ MORE»

New Jersey Passes Bill That Blacklists Companies Seeking Basic Human Rights for Palestinians

By Leslie Scott, AlterNet

New Jersey is the 11th state to enact legislation against the grassroots BDS movement. READ MORE»

Should NASA Have Given $1.1 Million to a Theology Institute?

By Michael Schulson, Religion Dispatches

The grant supports an initiative to study "the societal implications of astrobiology," which involves studying the origins of life in the universe. READ MORE»

Philadelphia Catholic Church Absurdly Tells Remarried Couples Not to Have Sex

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

New guidelines also put pressure on cohabitating couples to separate unless they plan to marry, and for gay people to live without sex. READ MORE»

6 More Women Accuse Fox Head Roger Ailes of Sexual Harassment—Including One Who Was 16 at the Time

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Like the case of Bill Cosby, sexual harassment allegations are beginning to flood in after one victim. READ MORE»

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