Get the ultimate guide to clean eating: Eat Clean, Stay Lean from the editors of Prevention!
Hi Friend!
Cracking open a can of soda is fun,
but “ka-ching” sounds even sweeter.
The average American drinks about two cans of soda every day. If your diet soda habit bites the dust, all its weird chemical ingredients go along with it. But you know what comes back? Cash money. We did the math: In 1 year, you'll save $515. BONUS: You'll have stronger bones and fewer migraines.

For more small changes you can make to recoup big bucks — $3,064, in fact! — read these money-saving health tips.

As if you need even one more reason to ditch diet soda, here are eight.

And just because you're curious, here are six things that happen when you stop eating meat.
But enough harping on what you shouldn't do.
Go ahead and gorge yourself on these five superfruits. They're so nutritious and delicious, your doctor will be proud if you chow down.

Beyond bananas, apples, and other standard fruit-bowl fillers, these pieces of exotic produce provide a variety of health benefits — and we've given you a bunch of easy ways to serve them. So good ahead — mix it up.
The Slim Belly Diet
The Superfood That Can Supercharge Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss, pulses have superpowers. They can help you block calories, burn more fat than the exercise, and lose 300% more weight! So what the heck are they, you ask? They?re simply a category of the legume family consisting of dry peas, beans, lentils, and chickpeas.

Discover how these amazing little beans can help you drop pounds, inches, and dress sizes fast in The Slim Belly Diet. This new book helps you transform the foods you already love into amazing fat-burning meals simply by adding these powerhouse foods.
And finally …
Here are five teeny tiny tweaks that can help you lose serious weight. They're backed by science and easy to implement — no kidding! Here are three of 'em: Stop watching those mesmerizing cooking shows, grab your spouse, and go for a 2-minute walk every hour. (Told you they're easy.)
Happy reading!

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