TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 26, 2016

Alarming Trends I've Noticed Teaching Yoga to Little Kids

By April M. Short, AlterNet

We adults are creating a pretty stifling environment for our young ones. READ MORE»

5 Jarringly Idiotic Right-Wing Moments This Week: Not Just About the Brexit

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

Trump spews nonsense while O'Reilly makes perfect sense as the embodiment of white supremacy. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: We Are Suffering the Major Downside of Corporate Globalization

By Noam Chomsky, E-International Relations

"We can be very optimistic. Things like this have happened before and they’ve been overcome." READ MORE»

Lessons of Britquake 2016: A History-Shaping Crisis, and a Moment of Danger and Opportunity

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

With elites in retreat and the postwar economic consensus collapsing, the post-Brexit world is up for grabs. READ MORE»

Hate Crimes Against LGBTQ People Are a Public Health Issue

By Spring Chenoa Cooper, Andrew Porter, Anthony J. Santella, The Conversation

LGBTQ populations are significantly more likely to be the victims of hate crimes motivated by a single cause or issue. READ MORE»

How George Orwell's Dystopian Novel '1984' Illuminates the U.S.'s Endless War on Terror

By Mark Danner, Simon & Schuster

One can’t help but be reminded of another forever war, the endless shape-shifting struggle fought within the covers of the novel. READ MORE»

Deadlocked: What a 9-Word Decision Means for 5 Million Undocumented Immigrants

By Shana Tabak, The Conversation

The Supreme Court was deadlocked, hence the decision reverts to the anti-Obama decision at the Appeals level. READ MORE»

We Will Not Waver in Our Political Revolution

By RoseAnn DeMoro, AlterNet

People's Summit shows there is overwhelming unity of vision and a common commitment to solidarity for progressive change. READ MORE»

Watch What Happens When a Portrait Artist Takes LSD

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Before LSD was criminalized, it was used in thousands of research experiments. Here's a time-lapse snapshot of its effect on one artist. READ MORE»

Why We Regain Weight After Drastic Dieting

By Sergio Diez Alvarez, The Conversation

Only by maintaining a healthy lifestyle with calorie restriction of around 25% and exercise can we avoid the inevitable.  READ MORE»

5 Everyday, Changeable Behaviors That Burn Us Out

By Caroline Beaton, Huffington Post

Until we permanently alter the behaviors exacerbating our exhaustion, we’ll remain rutted in perpetual recovery. READ MORE»

You'll Never Guess What's on the Menu at 'Café Fellatio'

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

Those interested might want to head to Geneva… READ MORE»

Bundy Militia Bro Charged With Trying to Detonate a Bomb at a Government Facility in Arizona

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Yet another member of the Bundy militia is in trouble with the law. READ MORE»

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