Top 5 Bad Hombres Loved by Trump

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Who’s the worst of the worst among the president’s favorite dictators? READ MORE»

Greg Palast: Trump's Tax Cuts Are More Evidence America's Greedy Billionaires Have Staged a Political Coup

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

"Those guys in the red trucker hats—he’s pissing in their faces." READ MORE»

How Trump Is a Kind of Miracle for the Religious Right, Previously in Decline

By Sarah Posner, The American Prospect

There are key insights for how Evangelicals embraced one of the country's least religious and least biblically literate presidents ever. READ MORE»

Peter Buffett Stirred the Pot Over the Role of Philanthropy

By Don Hazen, Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The artist and musician has a new vision for community and sustainable farming—and yes, he is Warren's son. READ MORE»

Trump's Republican Party Is Now a Neo-Confederate Party, Far More Jefferson Davis Than Abe Lincoln

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Beneath Trump's idiotic Andrew Jackson rant lies a real history of neo-Confederate sentiment and overt racism. READ MORE»

Hightower: What Populism Really Is—And It Is Not Mobs, Rants or Opinion Polls

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

The true political spectrum in our society does not range from right to left, but from top to bottom. READ MORE»

The Public Does Not Really Have a Clue About Fake News

By Todd Gitlin,

How much of America is locked into a looking-glass world? READ MORE»

The South's Political Clout Is Rising Under Trump

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The Trump Cabinet has many Southern Conservatives exercising a lot of power. READ MORE»

In Heated Georgia House Race, GOP Candidate's Husband Sends Message Urging Voters to 'Free the Black Slaves From the Democratic Plantation'

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

Handel says the tweet was "a mistake," as the race for the highly competitive seat heats up. READ MORE»

India Is About to Be Grilled on Its Human Rights Record by 112 Countries at U.N. Review

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

The world’s largest democracy faces questions about discrimination and violence against religious minorities. READ MORE»

Chris Christie's Deranged Reefer Madness Rant

By Brent Johnson,

Dude sounds like he's channeling the ghost of Harry Anslinger.  READ MORE»

Another GOP Tax Plan for Millionaires

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

Don't believe the voodoo economics: Trump is not here to protect workers. READ MORE»

Does ESPN Have Anywhere to Go but Down?

By Amanda Lotz, The Conversation

The crisis at ESPN developed because of the lack of competition. READ MORE»

Trump's New Gold-Plated DC Hotel Is a Lobbyist Paradise, with $100 Cocktails—Rooms Are Still Available

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

"It's a nice place to go when you want to have a conversation with somebody and you don’t want somebody on top of you listening in." READ MORE»

Life in a ‘Degrowth’ Economy, and Why You Might Actually Enjoy It

By Samuel Alexander, AlterNet

On a finite planet, the economy can’t grow forever. READ MORE»

No, Not the Wine! Climate Change Takes Its Toll on Grapes

By Cassie Kelly, EcoWatch

Some of the world's finest grapes are unlikely to survive the impacts of climate change. READ MORE»

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