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On Target Personas and Never Gonna Get Its
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jun 30, 2016 6:00:00 PM

In God we trust. Everyone else bring data.

There was a time I believed that all I needed to be successful in sales was to offer the best product / service solution backed with solid evidence. 

I believed that if I simply shared the evidence, smart people would invest in the best solution. 

I could not have been more wrong.

How To Multiply Sales Without Adding A Single Salesperson
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jun 28, 2016 7:00:00 AM

"What percentage of time should a salesperson be selling?"

Oh how many times I have heard this question.

A salesperson's job is to sell.

I can't believe I am actually saying these words.

This statement seems like common sense yet when I look under the hood of a typical sales team, I often find salespeople doing everything but selling.  


Is Your Sales Team Evolving or Dying?
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jun 23, 2016 9:00:00 AM

If you are not evolving, you are dying.

Dear CEO / VP of Sales / Sales Manager...  

Your salespeople do what you do.

You are either evolving or dying; one or the other.

Be the competitor from hell by continuously-improving sales hiring, sales training, sales process, sales culture and sales coaching.

Whether you are the CEO, VP of Sales, or a Sales Manager, you have the power to dramatically influence your sales team. In fact, your sales team mirrors your mindset.


I Do Not Choose To Be A Common Man
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jun 14, 2016 2:30:00 PM

Bill Bonnstetter was uncommon.

The world recently lost an uncommon man, Bill Bonnstetter. 

I only wish I could find the words to adequately describe Bill's impact on my life and those we are privileged to serve.

At Bill's celebration of life, a powerful excerpt from Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" (1776) was shared. 

As the words flowed through me, I realized that so few of us reach our own potential. We fail because of our mindset, the way we think.

I invite you to read Thomas Paine's powerful exceprt and reflect.

I challenge you to be greater than you are currently.   

Are You A Competitor From Hell?
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jun 2, 2016 6:00:00 AM

I recently invested in a new vehicle.

It was our fifth from the same dealership in 15 years.

They do business the way I would if I ran a dealership. They are very fair and do not use heavy sales tactics. Their service during and after the sale is exemplary. Clearly there is something in the water at the dealership.

We have had the same salesperson for our last two purchases from this dealership. Since our first purchase with him three years ago he has received a promotion to management. Yet he worked with us through the negotiation, ordering and delivery.

This salesperson clearly loves the vehicles he sells. 


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