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Five Reasons Why Sales Wolves Hate Your Culture.
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jan 26, 2017 10:30:00 AM

Is your sales culture worthy?

Is your sales culture worthy of the love from the best-of-the-best sales professional, the Sales Wolf?

Not so fast...  Don't assume you have a Sales Wolf on your team because it is possible but unlikely.

Reality check - A salesperson who outsells everyone on your sales team is not necessarily a Sales Wolf.

Sales Wolves are rare.

Most everyone wants to win at some level.

What separates Sales Wolves from everyone else is the level they will push themselves to win.

Sales Wolves are absolutely relentless.

When a Sales Wolf loses (which isn't often), they quickly look in the mirror at the cause of their lost sale. They autopsy to see where they can improve. They then make improvements and repeat.

Sales Wolves abhor excuses. They hate posers. They hate wasting time.

Sales Wolves LOVE the hunt and they LOVE results.

What You Must Do When a Salesperson Is Terminated
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jan 19, 2017 4:00:00 PM

Now is the time for reflection and pain. 

Somewhere or perhaps everywhere, you screwed up. You could ignore the circumstances and hope history does not repeat itself or your can choose to learn from it.

I recommend learning from it.

The termination of a salesperson impacts far more than the bottom line. 

Behind every termination you will find a human being that you somehow failed.

You owe it to current and future salespeople to learn from your mistakes.

You owe it to your shareholders to learn from this experience.

You owe it to your Customers.

Let's get started.

Seven Sales Manager Habits That Sabotage Success
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Jan 10, 2017 2:30:00 PM

All problems start at the head.  

A strong sales manager will propel your sales team forward. 

A lousy sales manager will destroy sales potential.

The sales manager sets the tone.

Watch for upcoming articles in our Sales Manager Sabotage series.



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