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Conversations, Combat and Happy Talk
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Mar 21, 2017 5:30:00 AM

Sales Wolves embrace conflict. 

Ever heard a salesperson get into a combative discussion with a prospect?

Frightening, right? 

If you are frightened by this thought, please go here.

I get excited by Challenger-level conflict. I mean really excited. 

I am excited thinking about Challenger-level conflict right now...

Positive dialogues are those that advance understanding and value for both the buyer and seller. Call me and debate with me. If you are increasing my understanding and creating value, I am going to engage you.   

The need to be viewed as nice is a serious barrier to winning in most sales environments. It is pounded into our heads at a young age and throughout our professional lives, "the nice guy/gal finishes first." 

The Painful Truth About Your Sales Recruiting
By Chris Young - The Rainmaker, Mar 14, 2017 7:30:00 AM

You do not have enough resources committed to sales recruiting.

The painful truth is you do not have enough resources committed to sales recruitment.

The painful truth is your competitors could turn sales recruitment into a winning strategy if they really wanted to.  

Until you maximize your sales recruitment strategy, you will not be growing as quickly as you could and should.

Sales recruitment must become your moat.

Your competitive advantage must be the identification, hiring and retention of top sales talent.

Win this battle and you will win the war.

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