TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 20, 2017

5 Reasons Trump Is a Health Calamity Waiting to Happen

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The guy seems like he's not in the best shape.  READ MORE»

Trump's Budget Shows How He Is Building a Police State

By David Cay Johnston, DC Report

Trump is aiming to turn the federal government into a much more militaristic and paramilitary policing organization. READ MORE»

7 Pundits Who Spread the Myth of Trump's Working-Class Voter Base

By Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

The media has gotten a few things disastrously wrong about Trump supporters. But a few commentators got things right. READ MORE»

Jeff Sessions Wants More Asset Forfeiture—Especially in Drug Cases

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

As more and more states respond to public outcry over asset forfeiture abuses, the attorney general wants to ramp it up at the federal level. READ MORE»

'I Quit!' Teachers Are Fed Up—And They're Telling the World Why

By Jennifer Berkshire, Have You Heard

Teachers are going public with their reasons for leaving a profession that they say has gone off the rails. READ MORE»

Is Bannon Trump's Rasputin, Known for Slovenly Appearance and Lack of Normal Social Graces?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Steve Bannon doesn't need to have inroads to Russia's ruling class. He's with them in spirit. READ MORE»

Gaza on Verge of Collapse as Israel Sends 2.2M People 'Back to Middle Ages' in Electricity Crisis

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

It's a humanitarian catastrophe with hospitals and homes unable to perform critical tasks. READ MORE»

The Mega Rich Are Getting Mega Richer: A Former CEO Exposes the Corruption Behind Their Obscene Paychecks

By Steven Clifford, Blue Rider Press

The indirect effect of ​the increase in income inequality is economically more injurious than the erosion of company earnings or a stock market downturn. READ MORE»

Get Ready for a Smoggier, Dirtier, Less Healthy America—Thanks to Trump's Foolhardy Evisceration of the EPA

By John J. O'Grady, AlterNet

Because of Trump's proposed 2018 budget, the agency led by climate denier Scott Pruitt will soon be unable to protect the air, land or human health. READ MORE»

Will Mike Pence Pardon Donald Trump?

By Marty Kaplan, AlterNet

If you’re dreaming of impeachment, you need to reconcile yourself not only to a Pence presidency, but also to a Pence pardon. READ MORE»

First Gourmet Sandwiches, Now Burger-Shaming! Can More Sensitive Lunches Heal America?

By Erin Keane, Salon

Business Insider's Josh Barro picks up where David Brooks left off on the culture war food metaphor beat this week. READ MORE»

Scientists Reverse Brain Damage in Drowned U.S. Toddler

By Hannah Osborne, Newsweek

Using oxygen therapy, scientists were able to restore her ability to walk and talk just months after the accident. READ MORE»

Why Trump Jr. Should Release More Emails

By Joe Conason, AlterNet

His meeting with a Russia lawyer had nothing to do with adoptions, and Americans should demand the truth. READ MORE»

Hundreds of Activists Occupy the Capitol to Stop Trumpcare

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Nearly 100 people were arrested in what organizers describe as the largest demonstration yet to kill the GOP bill. READ MORE»

FBI Nominee Christopher Wray Sure Looks Dirty

By William Boardman, Reader Supported News

Wherever Wray goes, it seems, bad guys get away unscathed while scapegoats suffer the consequences. READ MORE»

How Tiny Homes Could Spur Affordable Housing, Ease Gentrification, Reduce Consumerism and Help the Environment

By Lorraine Chow, AlterNet

Is America ready for a nation of micro-houses? READ MORE»

Today's Extreme Heat May Become Norm Within a Decade

By Andrea Thompson, Climate Central

Get used to the heat—weather patterns are changing as the Earth warms.  READ MORE»

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