“Craig, how the heck do you have so much energy?”

This is one of the most common questions I hear from my friends and clients.

So what’s my secret? 

Guzzling a liter of Red Bull at 4:30AM? 

Popping back a few tabs of Adderall? 

Some weird genetic mutation mere mortals can never replicate? 

The answers are: 


Definitely not. 

And I wish!

Instead my crazy Energizer Bunny disposition comes mainly from these five simple habits.

1. AVOID sugar early in the day

This shouldn’t come as a surprise… 

But that morning donut isn’t doing your energy (or waistline) any favors. 

It might give you a good buzz for an hour or two… 

… But the energy crash and metabolism wrecking effects of this habit just aren’t worth it. 

Instead… opt for a high protein, high fat, low carb breakfast for sustainable all day energy. 

And if you miss that rush of sugar in the morning? 


2. Microdosing caffeine

Research from the US Army has shown that giving soldiers small, staggered doses of caffeine…

… rather than large single servings…

… produces higher levels of mental alertness and performance all day long.

Just remember that the next time you go to order your XL Dunkin’s or venti double whipped crappucino with extra whip cream.

3. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day

Perhaps the UNsexiest tactic of all.


Sleep expert Dr. Matthew Walker says this is the #1 prescription for the BEST sleep and MOST energy possible.

And I have to agree…

I can tell you I personally ignored this advice for 7 years…

But when I finally smartened up and did it?

My sleep quality improved dramatically and my energy levels shot through the roof.

You owe it to yourself to try this.

4. Plan the night before

When you wake up in the morning... 

You have the greatest discipline, will power, intention, and creativity you’ll have all day.

Don’t waste it thinking and debating on what to do with your day.

You MUST plan the night before to eliminate friction from your morning and stay energized.

Try this…

I) A nightly “brain dump” to get all your projects and loose ideas out of your head and down on paper.

II) Detail the items you need to complete tomorrow in order of importance.

When you complete these 2 easy steps you can wake up and hit the ground running.

5. Be cool


The National Sleep Foundation states the best bedroom temperature for sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you tend to run hot you may want to turn it even lower.

Or… give yourself a head start by — brace yourself — taking a cold shower.

I know… it sounds (and feels) awful.

But the sleep and health benefits are undeniable.

Not only can a cold shower before bed decrease inflammation and increase fat loss…

Studies have shown it can also boost your deep, restorative “delta wave” sleep by as much as 2X. 

Start with just one or two of these tactics and you’ll feel the difference immediately…

Implement all 5 and it will change your life.

I guarantee it.

Success Loves Speed,


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