TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 17, 2016

5 Delusional Right-Wing Moments This Week: The Lunacies of Pence and Gingrich

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

Donald Trump maintains his power to shock and amaze us. READ MORE»

Thanks to the NRA and Their Lackeys in Congress, It Is Illegal to Study Gun Violence

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

It is illegal for the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention to study connection between gun ownership and police violence.  READ MORE»

10 Pop Culture Characters Who Stayed Friends or Lovers With Their Rapists

By Greta Christina, AlterNet

Our culture trivializes rape by showing fictional rape victims staying friendly with their rapists.  READ MORE»

Police Are Using Tragedies in Dallas and Orlando to Demand More Militarized Weapons

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

As Black Lives Matter protests continue, police are clamoring to bulk up their arsenals. READ MORE»

A Critical Turning Point in Washington's Partnership With Iraqi Kurds

By David L. Phillips, Stan Salett , AlterNet

The Kurdish peshmerga are our “boots on the ground." READ MORE»

Deadly Violence Erupts in One of the World's Most Dangerous Hotspots

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

The conflict in Kashmir goes back to 1948. READ MORE»

Sorry Conservatives, New Research from Harvard Shows a Profound Amount of Racism by Police…Not Less of It

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Don't believe the right-wing spin about Harvard's damning study that illustrates how cops target blacks. READ MORE»

Understanding the Meaning of Vagina and Many of the Cringe Worthy Substitutes

By Wednesday Lee Friday, Kinkly

The word “vagina,” and the euphemisms we substitute for it, may have a more significant impact on us and our culture than we realize. READ MORE»

Israeli Military's New Chief Rabbi Implied Soldiers Can Rape in War, as Government Lurches to Far-Right

By Ben Norton, Salon

Eyal Karim, who previously suggested rape is justified in war, joins numerous other far-right figures in government.  READ MORE»

Berned Out? Don’t Mourn—Organize

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

The Sanders campaign is over, and we are left with the centrist Democrat as the only option to save the country from a rabid Republican.  READ MORE»

Elizabeth Warren Absolutely Shreds 'Terrifying' Trump/Pence Ticket: 'Two Small, Insecure, Weak Men'

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Warren launched an all-out assault on the GOP ticket. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on the Hypocrisy of Gun Nuts After Police Shootings

By Matt Bors, AlterNet

Clinging to guns and racism. READ MORE»

Could We One Day Heal the Mind by Taking Control of Our Dreams?

By Adhip Rawal, The Conversation

Enabling us to tackle fears and change behaviour in the relatively safe surroundings of our own dreams. READ MORE»

Scientists Just Discovered a Delicious Way to Defy Your Age

By Samantha Olson, Medical Daily

According to a new study the answer may lie with pomegranates. READ MORE»

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