TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 16, 2016

Trump's Worldview Mirrors the Most Archaic and Apocalyptic of Christian Beliefs

By Marlene Winnell, AlterNet

Trump is tapping into a dangerous level of the worst of our religious tradition, and we need to recognize it. READ MORE»

5 Unhinged Right-Wing Moments This Week: Trump Apologists Display Full-Blown Psychosis

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

Michelle Bachmann and other nutjobs put their insane spin on recent sexual assault revelations.  READ MORE»

Challenging the High-Priced Funeral Industry, More Americans Are Choosing Home Funerals and Death Midwives

By April M. Short, AlterNet

Major shifts are underway in dealing with the aftermath of death in a more personal way. READ MORE»

American Global Power Is Being Challenged by Russia and China—What Does the Future Hold?

By Dilip Hiro, Tom Dispatch

There are growing signs of a multi-polar world. READ MORE»

Rise of the Sane and Angry Woman: 'Girl on the Train' Is the 2016 Rejoinder to 'Fatal Attraction'

By Eileen G'Sell, Salon

For decades, female rage has scared the hell out of Hollywood. Finally, a film that sides with female rage. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky Unveils America's Deplorable History of Playing Footsie With Fascism

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"In 1937, the State Department described Hitler as a kind of a moderate."  READ MORE»

8 Terrible Sex Tips You Probably Want to Ignore

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

Not all advice is sound advice. READ MORE»

An Excerpt From Beach Boys' Brian Wilson's Long-Awaited Memoir

By Brian Wilson, Da Capo Press

"Music is a beautiful thing. Songs help me with my pain." READ MORE»

Breaking: Journalist Amy Goodman May Be Charged with 'Participating in a Riot' for Covering North Dakota Pipeline Protest

Democracy Now!

Journalist Amy Goodman was faced with charges of trespassing that have since been dropped. READ MORE»

America's Southern Forests Are Being Decimated to Supply Europe With Energy

By Adam Macon, AlterNet

Millions of acres of forests and hundreds of species are at risk. READ MORE»

Divided but Fighting Back: An Interview With Inequality Documentary Filmmakers

By Alex Demyanenko, Capital and Main

"America Divided" pulls back the curtain on the scourge of inequality, with some help from Shonda Rhimes, Norman Lear and Amy Poehler.  READ MORE»

WikiLeaks’ ‘Podesta Emails’ Reveal the Power Behind the Clinton Campaign

By Donald Kaufman, Truthdig

Particularly, the symbiotic relationship staff members share with some members of the press. READ MORE»

National Guard, State Police Descend on 81-Year-Old's Home to Seize One Marijuana Plant

By Conover, Freak Out Nation

One more reason for Massachusetts to legalize marijuana at the polls next month.  READ MORE»

Obama to Pro-Trump Heckler at Clinton Rally: Leave 'Unless You're Paid to Be Here—Everybody's Got to Make a Living'

By Dave Boyer, Washington Times

"Go knock on some doors for your guy," Mr. Obama told the heckler at an outdoor rally in Cleveland. READ MORE»

Here Are 7 Times Donald Trump's Sons Were Just as Vile and Deplorable as Him

By Erin Corbett, Raw Story

The Trump family is drowning in racism and misogyny.  READ MORE»

Solidarity Against Trump: United Steelworkers Sound off on the GOP Candidate

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

Trump says he has a great relationship with unions. Many beg to differ. READ MORE»

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