TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 17, 2017

Is FCC Chairman Ajit Pai a Closeted Alt-Right Sympathizer?

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The evidence is inconclusive, but no one in this administration has earned the benefit of the doubt. READ MORE»

The Fempire Strikes Back with #MeToo

By Ann Jones, TomDispatch

This movement is a long time coming.  READ MORE»

It's Ayn Rand's America Now, Thanks to the GOP

By Neal Gabler,

Conservatism has turned itself into a civic religion and columnist Neal Gabler fears the damages wrought in the Trump era will be permanent and lasting. READ MORE»

Do You Do These 5 Things With Your Cellphone That Health Officials Say You Shouldn’t?

By April M. Short, AlterNet

You don't sleep with your phone—do you? READ MORE»

These Are Trump's 7 'Forbidden Words'

By Keith A. Spencer, Salon

Codifying Trumpian Newspeak, the administration has banned the CDC from using seven words, including “transgender,” "diversity" and “fetus." READ MORE»

O’Reilly Accuser: Time Bomb of Info on Sex Harasser Executives in ‘Highest Positions’ at Fox News Is Counting Down

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Fox News has paid out tens of millions of dollars in settlements related to O’Reilly alone.  READ MORE»

These Are the Best Pot Products in 2017

By Janice Williams, Newsweek

Many old-time favorites are still the most popular with cannabis consumers. READ MORE»

Not Just Inauguration Protesters: Medics, Observers and a Journalist Face 50 Years in Prison

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The prosecution somehow saw medics' bringing of first aid gear to the January 20 protest as being "prepared for war" and "aiding and abetting the riot." READ MORE»

Uber Stole Trade Secrets, Bribed Foreign Officials and Spied on Rivals, Filing Says

By Olivia Solon, The Guardian

Documents by former Uber security manager details company’s alleged ‘unethical, unlawful’ practices amid legal battle with self-driving car company Waymo. READ MORE»

How College Campuses Can Uphold Free Speech AND Shut Down Racists

By Julian Vasquez Heilig, The Progressive

Give marginalized communities the space to address white nationalists on campus.  READ MORE»

Monsanto Giving Cash to Farmers Who Use Controversial Pesticide

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

The cash-back offer comes as several states are considering restrictions on the use of the drift-prone and highly volatile chemical. READ MORE»

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