Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

Investors just got a big warning...

The Australian Bureau of Statistics says consumer price inflation picked up to a five month high in April.

Forget talk of inflation being ‘curbed’ — it’s moving in the wrong direction...effectively ending talk of an interest rate cut this year.

And the cause — rising energy and commodity prices — shows no sign of stopping. Oil, silver, copper and gold are all racing up this year.

Our new report suggests this could spell a return to the economic nightmare of the early 1970s.

The similarities between today and the early 70s are uncanny. Back then, Australia was in the grip of a housing boom...government spending was soaring out of control...and oil prices were rocketing up.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

And if you remember the 70s you’ll also recall what came next...

Stocks entered their worst bear market since the 1930s.

The housing market crashed and didn’t recover for 14 years.

17% inflation ripped through cash savings...

Australia became mired in low growth and, eventually, stagnation.

Could these extraordinary economic similarities indicate an imminent return to the dark days?

The fact that inflation isn’t going away suggests we could have a point...

You can read a copy of the report here.

Don’t be like 90% of investors who won’t see the danger until it’s too late.

Click here to read more


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail Dail

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