Leadership & Careers
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 February 01, 2017


What To Consider When Hiring Data Science Talent
Dealing with the data science talent crunch isn't just about competing for talent; it also requires the right data science strategy to help the analytics team be effective and efficient.
Agile Is King, But Continuous Integration Is An Elusive Goal
A Dimension Data survey of development professionals found most enterprises have adopted agile methods, but only 14% can update hourly.
Break Down Those Silos To Gain Business Agility
If you want your enterprise to be agile, look first at your data silos -- silos packed with information -- that keep people and departments from communicating effectively.
Target CIO Transforms Retailer With In-house Talent, Agile
Target hired Tesco veteran Mike McNamara 18 months ago as CIO and Chief Digital Officer to transform the company's IT and software development organization. Here's what he did.
Big Data Leadership: CIO, CAO, Or Maybe The Big Dog
In the discussion over who should lead a corporate big data initiative, maybe it should be someone other than the CIO, CAO, or CDO.



  • [Cybersecurity] Dark Reading Virtual Event

    How much should your organization spend on information security? What's the potential cost of a major hack or data breach? What's the risk that your enterprise will be hit by a cyberattack? How can you measure the benefits of your ...

  • [Analytics] Make the Most of Your Data's Potential in 2017

    Are you tapping into all of your data's potential? According to a comprehensive report from McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), though many organizations have increased the value they get from their analytics programs, there's still plenty that remains untapped. And the ...



Gartner's 10 Tech Predictions That Will Change IT
During its recent Symposium ITXpo, Gartner released predictions about the future of technology for IT departments and users. Here's a look at those predictions and what they might mean for you and your organization.

10 Best US Cities For Tech Jobs In 2016
Glassdoor recently released its report on the best cities for jobs in 2016 based on factors including cost of living, job satisfaction, and work-life balance. Which of these cities on its list are best for IT pros? We take a look.

10 Strategic Tech Trends For 2017: Gartner
At the Gartner Symposium and ITxpo, Gartner released its annual list of the top 10 strategic trends. Are you planning for the right technology in your organization?

9 Raspberry Pi Projects For Your Summer Vacation
The right Raspberry Pi project can make the summer fun and educational. Here are nine possibilities that fit the bill.

10 Factors Determining Data Pro Salaries
O'Reilly Media's 4th annual survey of data professionals looks at tools, languages, gender, geographies, and a host of other factors that are predictors in terms of how much data workers can expect to earn. Where do you fit?


5 Ways to Be Successful with Open Source Software in 2017



  • [Secure Application Development] New Best Practices

    The transition from DevOps to SecDevOps is combining with the move toward cloud computing to create new challenges - and new opportunities - for the information security team. Download this report, to learn about the new best practices for secure ...

  • The Top Cybersecurity Risks & How Enterprises Are Responding

    The information security landscape is a constantly shifting risk environment. Today's IT security department must manage both internal and external threats' ranging from malware to mobile device vulnerabilities, to cloud security and ransomware. Download the Dark Reading 2016 Strategic Security Survey ...

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