TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 11, 2017

Bannon Is Trying to Take Over the GOP Within 1 Election: Can He Pull It Off?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The goal is ousting Trump critics in primaries and turning to Democrats in the fall. READ MORE»

It Took This Long for One Elected GOP Senator to Publicly Oppose Trump? What Cowards

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Tennessee’s retiring Republican Bob Corker speaks the truth about Trump—and reveals the craven cowardice of his own party. READ MORE»

5 Things Trump Lied About Inventing

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

So many transparent lies. READ MORE»

Why America Is Desperately Trying to Understand the Vegas Shooter's Motives

By Marty Kaplan, AlterNet

A missing motive is worse than frustrating. It disrupts the moral order. READ MORE»

John Kelly and James Mattis Have Likely Discussed Tackling Trump if He Grabs the Nuclear Football: Report

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

Concern is mounting in the West Wing over the president's mental stability. READ MORE»

Eminem Rips 'Kamikaze' Trump Over NFL, Gun Control and Puerto Rico in Shocking Freestyle

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The rapper left no room for misunderstanding. READ MORE»

What Ultimately Prompted Rex Tillerson to Call Trump a 'Moron'

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

An NBC report sheds new light on that fateful Pentagon meeting. READ MORE»

9 Fierce Reactions to the FBI’s Dangerous New Targeting of 'Black Identity Extremists'

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

The FBI has a long history of dedicating valuable resources to the surveilling of black activists. READ MORE»

Defense Contractors Demonstrate That They Care About America's Soldiers Least of All

By William Hartung, TomDispatch

Your tax dollars support the soldiers of fat cat defense contractors. READ MORE»

So You Think You're an Ethical Meat-Eater? Here’s Why That's BS

By Joe Loria, AlterNet

No matter how animals are raised, they are all killed the same way.  READ MORE»

Our Addiction to Palm Oil Is Wiping Out Wildlife and Threatening Food Security

By Margi Prideaux, Badrul Azhar, AlterNet

Palm oil is everywhere—in foods, cosmetics, soaps, medicines and biofuels. And it's ruining the planet. READ MORE»

No, You Can't Drink Unlimited Amounts of Green Tea Without Consequences

By Kayla McDonell, Authority Nutrition

Green tea is linked to many health benefits, but it can also cause unwanted side effects. READ MORE»

In Texas You Can Legally Own More Guns Than Sex Toys

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

There's a God-given right to own guns, but definitely not more than six vibrators.  READ MORE»

Isn't 16 Years Enough Time Spent Occupying Afghanistan?

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

Our costly presence in Afghanistan is on track to continue at least another decade, as politicians fail to articulate past failures or envision future strategy. READ MORE»

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