TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 18, 2016

5 Trump Abominations This Week

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

Donald Trump is making America dumb again—in an “unpresidented" way.  READ MORE»

Degeneration Nation: It Takes a Village of Idiots to Raise a Kakistocracy Like Donald Trump’s

By Sophia A. McClennen, Salon

Donald Trump's government will be "for the benefit of knaves at the cost of fools." READ MORE»

Trump Declares All-Out War on Environment With Fossil Fuel-Loving, Climate Change-Denying Cabinet Nominees

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

The president-elect has surrounded himself with advisers who put profits over the American people—and the planet. READ MORE»

Trump's Pick for Israel Ambassador Is Aligned With Israel's Extreme Right Wing

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

David Friedman vows to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem in first remarks following appointment. READ MORE»

Why the Fur Industry Is Very Pleased With Trump in the White House

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

The Trump sons are trying to rebrand fur as "animal agriculture," but consumers aren't falling for it.  READ MORE»

Who Is Trump's Most Dangerous Cabinet Pick? Here's the Case for It Being Jeff Sessions

By Marge Baker, OtherWords

Time and time again, Jeff Sessions has put his own right-wing ideology above Americans' constitutional rights. READ MORE»

Russia Had Every Reason to Hack the U.S. Presidential Election

By Arun Gupta, Raw Story

This is the missing background to the hacked U.S. election. READ MORE»

84% of Americans Oppose Civil Asset Forfeiture—But Only Once They're Told What It Is

By The Influence Staff, The Influence

What's with the other 15 percent? READ MORE»

What Trump TV from the White House May Look Like

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A strange mix of "The Apprentice" and late-night wrestling matches? READ MORE»

What They Did in the Shadows: President Putin and President Trump, and What We Know About What We Don’t Know

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

It's a shocking real-life spy story, but what really happened—and what it means—may not be clear for decades. READ MORE»

Academic Witch Hunt Project Gets an F for Accuracy

By Peter Dreier, The American Prospect

Propaganda campaigns foreshadow more serious assaults on the First Amendment under a President Trump. READ MORE»

Why Owning Your Own Farm Isn't Necessarily a Ticket for Financial Well-Being

By Michael Colby & Will Allen, AlterNet

There's plenty of money in food. But most of it's going to corporate giants. READ MORE»

Will Trump Provoke a Serious Conflict with China?

By Thom Hartmann, Thom Hartmann Show

There never have been two countries more interdependent on each other than China and the U.S. in history.  READ MORE»

Simple Thinking in a Complex World Is a Recipe for Disaster

By David Green, The Conversation

Our actions have unintended consequences. READ MORE»

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