The day's top cybersecurity news and in-depth coverage

CSO First Look

May 18, 2021

5 ways hackers hide their tracks

From trusted pentesting tools to LOLBINs, attackers abuse trusted platforms and protocols to evade security controls. Read more ▶

Image: DDoS attacks: Stronger than ever and increasingly used for extortion

DDoS attacks: Stronger than ever and increasingly used for extortion

Low cost and ease of execution drive a resurgence in distributed denial of service attacks as criminals profit from extorting victims.

Colonial Pipeline take-away for CISOs: Embrace the mandates

The DarkSide attack on Colonial is yet another wake-up call for companies to harden their systems against ransomware. History suggests that might not happen despite new government guidance.

5 things CISOs want to hear about SASE at the RSA Conference

Organizations are planning for secure access service edge (SASE) but have questions on how to get from their current state to converged, cloud-delivered networking and security. They’ll be looking for answers at RSA.

Image: DarkSide ransomware explained: How it works and who is behind it

DarkSide ransomware explained: How it works and who is behind it

The Colonial Pipeline attack thrust the DarkSide ransomware into the spotlight. This is what's known about the threat actors and how they operate.

Biden administration releases ambitious cybersecurity executive order

Though lacking in definitional clarity, this new executive order might be more effective than past federal efforts, especially in the wake of the Colonial Pipeline attack.

Minimizing damage from a data breach: A checklist

How you respond to a data breach and the amount of damage it causes depends on how well prepared you are. Have you done everything on this list?

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