Good Marketer, Marketers, and please donate a few minutes of your time

This is the last call to participate in our Salary and Career Survey. We’ll be closing it soon. I’m excited to see how the results have changed from the last survey which showed robust compensation across the board — although a dismaying gender gap in remuneration at all levels.

There’s also a new question that tries to assess the degrees of churn in marketing teams. All the anecdotal evidence suggests that churn has increased over the past couple of years; but as with all the topics in the survey, we rely on you to let us know.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

5 ways to find standout CMO candidates

The CMO hiring process can be challenging for both candidates and selection committees. Here are some insights to help you get ahead.

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Pinterest announces clean room partnership with LiveRamp

The new clean room will be used to help activate Albertson’s retail media network.

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The latest jobs in martech

On the hunt for something new? Check out who's hiring in martech this week.

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Deliver the human touch – even online

Connect with customers, earn their loyalty. Yes, it’s that simple! Customers today seek personalized services tailored specifically to their needs and preferences. Like never before, they’re loyal to brands that provide a sense of community and affirm their core values. Join us and learn how to develop a balanced approach to physical and digital customer engagement.

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The state of intent data in 2023 and beyond

With B2B's increasing reliance on intent data, now is a good time to assess its current state and prepare for what's ahead.

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5 tips to extract true value from your data

How much data does your organization have that might be valuable enough to barter? Here are some tips for getting true value from your data.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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How marketing compensation and roles are changing: Take the MarTech Salary and Career Survey

Spend a few moments to help us better understand the dramatic changes affecting the marketing and martech spaces.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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