TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 3, 2016

5 Worst Right-Wing Moments This Week: Katrina Pierson Divorces Reality for Good

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

No one can match Pierson's lying speed, except possibly Trump himself. READ MORE»

Trump Lays Bare the Moral Bankruptcy of the Religious Right

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

The movement’s top leaders crown the foul-mouthed casino owner as their savior. READ MORE»

Imperialism Obama Style: 800 Military Bases Around the World

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Sec. of State Kerry brags we are "involved" in more countries than ever, as Obama becomes first president to serve two terms always at war. READ MORE»

Kids Say the Darnedest Things—and We Can Learn a Lot by Channeling Their Childish Ways

By Christopher Phillips, Skyhorse Publishing

"Socrates rocked"—and no one may be more Socratic than children, posits the founder of the popular Socrates Café meet-ups. READ MORE»

Elizabeth Warren's Kick-Ass Speech Tells It Like It Is. What Should Hillary Do?

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

Heading into the Democratic Convention, the Senator from Massachusetts is offering the best analysis of our failed monopolistic economy.  READ MORE»

The Right-Wing Populism That Drove Brexit Can Only Be Fought With A Genuinely Radical Alternative

By Arun Kundnani, AlterNet

The Reagan-Thatcher consensus will be replaced either by new visions of social progress or by new forms of racism and authoritarianism. READ MORE»

Progressive Patriotism—Not an Oxymoron

By Peter Dreier and Dick Flacks, AlterNet

Much of our patriotic culture was created by people with decidedly progressive sympathies.  READ MORE»

In the Face of a Huge Gender Gap with Trump, It Is Time for Progressive Men to Get Behind Hillary

By Anna March, Salon

Getting Hillary elected isn't women's work, it is everyone's. READ MORE»

Minneapolis Students Wounded After Drunken Gunman Opens Fire While Screaming ‘F*ck Muslims’

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

The five Somali targets were on their way to prayer services. READ MORE»

The Internet and Social Media Are Increasingly Divisive and Undermining of Democracy

By Neal Gabler, Moyers and Company

Rather than creating a community, the internet and social media have divided and disengaged us and set our politics adrift. READ MORE»

A Tough Choice for Feminist Black Lives Matter Activists

By Marcus Harrison Green, YES! Magazine

Marching in support of a man convicted of rape can pose a real dilemma when one in five women nationwide has suffered a sexual assault. READ MORE»

The Trump Campaign Has Some Questionable Diversity Recruitment Tactics

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Comedian Aida Rodriguez tells “The Young Turks” host Cenk Uygur about the time she was approached to play the part of a Latina secretary for the Trump campaign.  READ MORE»

10 Ways to Stop Eating Late at Night

By Helen West, RD, Authority Nutrition

Nighttime eating can cause you to eat more calories than you need and lead to weight gain. READ MORE»

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