Dear John,

Do you have a web page? A blog? A podcast? Do you share videos, ebooks, whitepapers or infographics? Do you ever give speeches or presentations?

If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, then you’re involved in content marketing.

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to your audience – with the objective of encouraging profitable customer action.

More and more businesses are turning to content marketing over traditional advertising because it creates a win-win scenario with potential customers.

It’s something people want to consume, rather than avoiding it.

So how do you get better at content marketing? And how do you become one of the best?

That's where digital marketing expert Marc Guberti comes in with an awesome free learning opportunity.

He's gathered over 50 of the top content marketing experts to reveal their secrets and uncommon practices that they use to dominate the web with their content, and he’s bringing it all to you in the free Content Marketing Success Summit!

Claim your FREE ticket

The best part...this is a VIRTUAL summit, which means it's as close as any device near you! You can hear all of the interviews in the comfort of your home.

You’re probably thinking there’s a catch, and you’re right.

The Content Marketing Success Summit starts today, June 7th. If you wait until after the summit, it will be too late. The interviews won't be available.

The only way to watch the interviews is to register for the summit:

Register for the summit

If you get your ticket to this free virtual summit, you can hear the insights from over 50 content marketing experts without paying a penny. These are the same people who charge thousands of dollars for a consultation and a training course. Some of them charge close to $10,000 for an in-person event.

You'd probably have to pay $25,000 to $50,000 to get consultations and training courses from all of these people.

But if you get your ticket to Marc's Content Marketing Success Summit, you pay nothing...and you still get their sage advice!

Click here and register for the summit

I hope to see you there!

You were Born to Win, so go ahead and Live to Win!


PS - Quote of the Day - “Selling is essentially a transference of feeling.” — Zig Ziglar

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Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306