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I DID IT! Breakthrough Your Weight Challenges and Finally Lose the Pounds!
Courtney’s Story: Courtney never paid much attention to what she ate. But when she was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome at age 17, a hormone imbalance that can cause you to gain weight, all the sugary snacks she was eating started to take their toll. “Every time I stepped on the scale, I’d gained 2 or 3 pounds,” she says.

Wake-Up Call: Feeling unable to control her weight, Courtney became depressed. Finally, a new neighbor, who happened to be a professional boxer, invited her to his gym. Something clicked and she started training.

Success Secrets: In addition to daily boxing workouts that included jumping rope and punching bags, Courtney fueled up on protein and veggies and started satisfying her sweet tooth with fiber-filled fruit. By her first boxing tournament in February 2010, she had shed more than 30 pounds — and she went on to drop more until she hit 130. Boxing gave Courtney a self-esteem boost that trickles into every area of her life. “I used to be afraid of talking in front of people, but now I’m confident,” she says. “I know I can face anything.”
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