April 3, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

I got a bunch of questions over the weekend about Whtiney Tilson's pitch for 5,900% returns from "backdoor" investing... which turns out to be a pitch for buying shares of private, pre-IPO companies, and the ad is actually for a Crowdability subscription... so which company are they promoting now for private investment?  They say it's "smack dab in the center of the AI revolution" ... and you can click below to...

Steve Cohen is known for making huge gains fast for investors …

But lately he’s been building a billion-dollar stake in one little-known asset …

It’s outpaced the S&P by 131% over the past 26 years & had a record 2022 while markets got crushed.

I’m talking about contemporary art …

The exclusive domain of the world’s richest investors.

But a new investing platform called Masterworks is changing that.

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Last week was born in panic but closed in optimism, reminding us that the world, alas, remains unpredictable.  What promises of riches have we unearthed recently?  One hates to think you might have missed any of them, so the catchup begins now...

We started by sniffing out the "Secret Weapon" that Dylan Jovine says is helping Ukraine against the Russians... yet another AI stock teaser here.

Then Marin Katusa pitched his "project gold rush" last week, talking up a very high-grade (and secret) gold mine that he's buying... our take on that is here.

Doc Gumshoe popped in with an update as well, including some optimism to get Spring started.

Eric Fry is pitching a bunch of companies who will benefit from "America 2.0" -- some of whom are in the "heartland" near Chattanooga... we reveal all five of those "secret" stocks here.

The Shah Gilani pitch for his "Billionaire's Private Reserve" startup stocks is driving questions again, so I updated that story here.

And finally, we got a couple new annual reports out this week, from Boston Omaha and Ecora Resources, so that's what most of my Friday FIle was about this week, with a few other little tidbits for our favorite people... just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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